Stanley Lisica LLC
Botswana Stamps (1966-2017)
A price list (1966-2017) of Botswana postage stamps and souvenir sheets (miniature sheets).

  All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Catalog numbers are from the 2018 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue with updating from the Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update) Monthly.
  Stanley Gibbons numbers are from the British Commonwealth catalog with Gibbons Stamp Monthly updates.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently or are scarce/rare.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
September 7, 2017 

Click here ==>  BOTSWANA    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                            Price  
1-4             202-205         1966  Independence                                            2.10  
5-18            206-219         1966  Defs/REPUBLIC - 1c-2R (ovpt) (14v)                     13.40  
19-32           220-233         1967  Defs/Birds - 1c-2R (14v)                               52.55  
33-36           234-237         1967  University                                              0.70  
37-39           238-240         1967  Chobe Game Reserve                                      1.85  
40-42           241-243         1968  Human Rights Year                                       0.75  
43-46           244-247         1968  National Museum & Art Gallery                           1.50  
46a             MS248           1968  National Museum & Art Gallery (ss/4v)                   1.75  
47-50           249-252         1968  Christmas                                               0.75  
51-53           253-255         1969  Helsinki Scout Conference                               1.80  
54-57           256-259         1969  Christmas                                               0.75  
57a             MS260           1969  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       0.95  
58-61           261-264         1970  Development Program                                     7.90  
62-65           265-268         1970  C.Dickens                                               1.85  
65a             MS269           1970  C.Dickens (ss/4v)                                       4.15  
66              270             1970  United Nations                                          0.80  
67-70           271-274         1970  Christmas/Toy Animals                                   1.20  
70a             MS275           1970  Christmas/Toy Animals (ss/4v)                           1.65  
71-74           276-279         1971  Important Crops                                         1.50  
75-79           280-284         1971  Independence Anniversary                                1.65  
80-83           285-288         1971  Christmas                                               0.75  
83a             MS289           1971  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.25  
84-87           290-293         1972  Night Sky/Constellations                                6.50  
88-91           294-297         1972  Runner Post                                             1.90  
91a             MS298           1972  Runner Post (ss/4v)                                    17.05  
92-95           299-302         1972  Christmas                                               0.80  
95a             MS303           1972  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.55  
96-99           304-307         1973  IMO/WMO/Norse Mythology                                 2.15  
100-101         308-309         1973  D.Livingstone                                           1.30  
102-105         310-313         1973  Christmas                                               0.80  
106-109         314-317         1974  University Anniversary                                  0.70  
110-113         318-321         1974  UPU                                                     5.35  
114-127         322-335         1974  Defs/Minerals - 1c-2R (14v)                            65.05  
128-131         336-339         1974  Christmas/Flowers                                       3.00  
131a            MS340           1974  Christmas/Flowers (ss/4v)                               3.70  
132-135         341-344         1975  Self Government Anniversary                             1.00  
135a            MS345           1975  Self Government Anniversary (ss)                        1.20  
136-139         346-349         1975  Rock Paintings                                          9.80  
139a            MS350           1975  Rock Paintings (ss/4v)                                 17.05  
140-142         351-353         1975  Anniversaries                                           1.90  
143-146         354-357         1975  Christmas/Aloes                                         4.10  
147-150         358-361         1976  Traditional Musical Instruments                         1.30  
151-154         362-365         1976  First National Currency                                 1.10  
154a            MS366           1976  First National Currency (ss/4v)                         2.25  
155-168         367-380         1976  Defs/Minerals - 1t-2p (surch) (TI) (14v)               68.35  
155a-163a       367a//375a      1977  Defs/Minerals - 1t-20t (surch) (T-II) (6v)             23.40  
169-173         381-385         1976  Independence Anniversary                                2.35  
174-178         386-390         1976  Christmas/Trees                                         3.50  
179-181         391-393         1977  QEII Silver Jubilee                                     0.70  
182-186         394-398         1977  WWF/Wildlife                                           72.15  
187-192         399-404         1977  Historic Monuments                                      2.55  
192a            MS405           1977  Historic Monuments (ss/6v)                              3.90  
193-197         406-410         1977  Christmas/Lilies                                        1.95  
198-214         411-427         1978  Defs/Birds - 1t-5p (17v)                               40.60  
215-220         428-433         1978  Okavango Delta                                          1.90  
220a            MS434           1978  Okavango Delta (ss6v)                                   2.40  
221-224         435-438         1978  Christmas/Flowers                                       3.15  
225-229         439-443         1979  Water Development                                       1.00  
230-233         444-447         1979  Handicrafts                                             1.10  
233a            MS448           1979  Handicrafts (ss/4v)                                     1.45  
234-236         449-451         1979  R.Hill                                                  0.90  
237-238         452-453         1979  Year of the Child                                       0.40  
239-242         454-457         1979  Christmas/Fruit                                         1.30  
243-246         458-461         1980  Reptiles                                                4.55  
247-252         462-467         1980  Mining                                                  5.50  
253-256         468-471         1980  Folktales                                               1.50  
257             472             1980  Tourism Conference                                      0.60  
258-261         473-476         1980  Christmas/Flowers                                       1.90  
266-267         477-478         1981  H.von Stephan/U.P.U.                                    2.30  
268-273         479-484         1981  Insects                                                 4.60  
273a            MS485           1981  Insects (ss/6v)                                         6.95  
274-276         486-488         1981  Year for the Disabled                                   1.65  
277-280         489-492         1981  Literacy Program                                        1.50  
281-284         493-496         1981  S.Khama                                                 1.45  
285-288         499-502         1981  Cattle Industry                                         1.60  
289-290         497-498         1981  Defs/Birds - 25t,30t (surch) (2v)                       8.40  
291-294         503-506         1981  Christmas/Flowers                                       2.55  
295-298         507-510         1982  Children's Art                                          5.00  
299-302         511-514         1982  Traditional Houses                                      5.35  
303-320         515-532         1982  Defs/Birds - 1t-2p (18v)                               72.70  
321-324         533-536         1982  Christmas/Mushrooms                                    23.70  
325-328         537-540         1983  Commonwealth Day                                        1.60  
329-332         541-544         1983  Endangered Species                                     16.80  
333-336         545-548         1983  Traditional Artifacts                                   4.55  
336a            MS549           1983  Traditional Artifacts (ss/4v)                           8.20  
337-340         550-553         1983  Christmas/Dragonflies                                  10.05  
341-344         554-557         1984  Mining Industry                                        16.50  
345-348         558-561         1984  Traditional Transportation                              4.50  
349-354         562-567         1984  ICAO/Airplanes                                         14.15  
355-358         568-571         1984  Christmas/Butterflies                                  21.60  
359-362         572-575         1985  Development Conference                                  4.35  
362a            MS576           1985  Development Conference (ss/4v)                         10.15  
363-367         577-581         1985  Stamp Centenary                                        12.60  
368-371         582-585         1985  Police                                                 17.20  
372-375         586-589         1985  Christmas/Cucumbers                                    12.55  
376-379         590-593         1985  Protectorate Centenary                                  6.90  
379a            MS594           1985  Protectorate Centenary (ss/4v)                         16.65  
380-383         595-598         1986  Halley's Comet                                          8.95  
384-387         599-602         1986  Milk Containers                                         3.05  
388             MS603           1986  Independence Anniversary (ss/4v)                        6.00  
389-392         604-607         1986  Christmas/Flowers                                      15.85  
393-396         608-611         1987  Traditional Medicine                                   10.35  
397-400         615-618         1987  UNICEF                                                  5.20  
401-403         612-614         1987  Defs/Birds - 3t,5t,20t (3v) (surch)                    10.60  
404-423         619-638         1987  Defs/Wildlife - 1t-5p (20v)                            46.90  
424-427         639-642         1987  Christmas/Grasses                                       7.40  
427a            MS643           1987  Christmas/Grasses (ss/4v)                               8.55  
428-431         644-647         1988  Early Cultivation                                       5.20  
432-435         648-651         1988  WWF/Red Lechwe                                         15.05  
436-439         652-655         1988  Runner Post                                             5.45  
439a            MS656           1988  Runner Post (ss/4v)                                    13.10  
440-443         657-660         1988  Pope John II Visit                                     12.00  
444-447         661-664         1988  National Museum & Art Gallery                           3.45  
448-451         665-668         1988  Christmas/Flowering Plants                              3.65  
452-455         669-672         1989  Grain Storage                                           7.35  
456-459         673-676         1989  Heron/Birds                                             5.75  
459a            MS677           1989  Heron/Birds (ss/4v)                                     6.60  
460-463         678-681         1989  Children's Paintings                                    6.00  
464-467         682-685         1989  Christmas/Orchids                                      10.05  
468-471         686-689         1990  Anniversaries                                          10.70  
472-475         693-696         1990  LONDON '90/Communications                               8.25  
476-479         697-700         1990  Traditional Dress                                       7.65  
479a            MS701           1990  Traditional Dress (ss/4v)                              10.60  
480-482         690-692         1990  Defs/Wildlife - 10t,20t,50t (3v) (surch)                7.75  
483-486         702-705         1990  Christmas/Flowering Trees                              10.00  
487-489         706-708         1990  Road Safety Day                                        10.85  
490-493         709-712         1991  Rock Paintings                                         16.95  
494-497         713-716         1991  National Census                                        13.80  
498-501         717-720         1991  African Tourism Year                                   23.45  
502-505         721-724         1991  Christmas/Seed Pods                                     9.60  
506-509         725-728         1992  Defs/Wildlife - 8t-40t (surch) (4v)                    11.00  
510-513         729-732         1992  Climbing Frogs                                          9.70  
514-517         733-736         1992  Railway Service                                        10.20  
517a            MS737           1992  Railway Service (ss/4v)                                15.15  
518-535         738-755         1992  Defs/Animals - 1t-10p (18v)                            42.15  
536-539         756-759         1992  Barcelona Olympic Games                                 8.50  
539a            MS760           1992  Barcelona Olympic Games (ss/4v)                         9.20  
540-543         761-764         1992  Christmas/Ferns                                         7.05  
544-549         765-770         1993  Charitable Organizations                                8.10  
550-553         771-774         1993  Railway Centenary                                       7.50  
553a            MS775           1993  Railway Centenary (ss/4v)                               7.55  
554-557         776-779         1993  Endangered Eagles                                       9.75  
558-561         780-783         1993  Christmas/Flora                                         4.70  
562-565         784-787         1994  Traditional Toys                                        4.10  
566-569         788-791         1994  ICAO                                                    4.10  
570-573         793-796         1994  Environmental Protection                                8.60  
574-577         797-800         1994  Christmas/Edible Fruit                                  3.30  
578-581         801-804         1995  Traditional Fishing                                     5.45  
582-585         805-808         1995  United Nations                                          3.50  
586             809-812         1995  WWF/Brown Hyena (s/4v)                                  5.50  
586             809-812         1995  WWF/Brown Hyena (ms/16v)                               24.85  
587-590         813-816         1995  Christmas/Plants                                        4.35  
591-594         820-823         1996  Traditional Weapons                                     3.05  
594A-597        792//819        1994  Defs/Animals - 10t,20t,30t,70t (surch) (4v)            22.70  
594A            792             1994  Defs/Animals - 10t (surch) (1v)                        15.95  
595-597         817-819         1996  Defs/Animals - 20t,30t,70t (surch) (3v)                 6.75  
598-601         824-827         1996  Radio Centenary                                         3.40  
602-605         828-831         1996  Olympic Games Centenary                                 4.20  
606-611         832-837         1996  Local Charities                                         3.70  
612-615         838-841         1996  Christmas                                               2.90  
616-619         842-845         1997  Francistown Centenary                                   3.75  
620-637         852-869         1997  Defs/Birds - 5t-10p (18v)                              29.20  
638-643         846-851         1997  Railway Centenary                                       6.20  
644-649         870-875         1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (prs)                   6.75  
650             MS876           1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (ss)                    6.10  
651-654         877-880         1997  Christmas/Plants                                        5.90  
655-658         881-884         1998  Tourism #1                                              4.15  
659-662         885-888         1998  Diana                                                   3.10  
663             MS889           1998  Diana (ss/4v)                                           5.20  
664-667         890-893         1998  Weavers/Textiles                                        4.25  
668             MS894           1998  Weavers/Textiles (ss)                                   3.75  
669-672         895-898         1998  Christmas/Plants                                        4.75  
673-676         899-902         1999  Tourism #2                                              4.50  
677             MS903           1999  SADC Day (ss)                                           5.35  
678             904             1999  UPU                                                     2.35  
679-683         905-909         1999  Miss Universe                                          14.70  
683a            MS910           1999  Miss Universe (ss/5v)                                  15.95  
684-687         911-914         2000  Scenic Rivers                                           4.45  
688-692         915-919         2000  Moths                                                   9.85  
692a            MS920           2000  Moths (ss/5v)                                          14.30  
693-696         921-924         2000  Literacy Decade (w/labs)                                3.25  
697-700         925-928         2000  Chiefs and Presidents                                   3.45  
701-704         929-932         2000  Flying Medical Services/Airplanes (4v)                  4.15  
704a            929a            2000  Flying Medical Services/Airplanes(s/4v+lab)             5.20  
705-709         933-937         2000  Wetlands #1/Fauna/Delta                                 5.80  
709a            MS938           2000  Wetlands #1/Fauna/Delta (ss/5v)                         5.95  
709b            MS939           2001  Wetlands Fauna/HONG KONG '01 (ss) (ovpt)                6.95  
710-713         940-943         2001  Diamonds (sa)                                           6.55  
714-717         944-947         2001  Park Wildlife                                           5.75  
717a            MS948           2001  Park Wildlife (ss/2v)                                   3.25  
718-721         949-952         2001  Basketry                                                3.30  
721a            MS953           2001  Basketry (ss/4v)                                        3.30  
722-725         954-957         2001  Sky Views                                               5.90  
726-730         958-962         2001  Wetlands #2/Chobe River                                 5.95  
730a            MS963           2001  Wetlands #2/Chobe River (ss/5v)                         6.00  
731-734         964-967         2002  Snakes                                                  4.35  
735-738         968-971         2002  Pottery                                                 3.80  
739-740         972-973         2002  QEII Golden Jubilee                                     3.15  
741-756         974-989         2002  Defs/Mammals - 5t-15p (16v)                            19.45  
757-760         990-993         2002  AIDS Awareness                                          5.10  
761-765         994-998         2002  Wetlands #3/Pans                                        6.75  
765a            MS999           2002  Wetlands #3/Pans (ss/5v)                                7.05  
766-769         1000-1003       2003  Tourist Attractions                                     4.15  
770-773         1004-1007       2003  Beetles                                                 4.95  
774             MS1008          2003  Beetles (ss)                                            5.30  
775-779         1009//1013      2004  Wetlands #4/Limpopo River                               7.15  
779a            MS1014          2004  Wetlands #4/Limpopo River (ss/5v)                       7.15  
780-783         1015-1018       2004  Kuru Art                                                4.95  
784-787         1019-1022       2004  Traditional Lifestyles                                  6.45  
788-791         1023-1026       2004  World Post Day                                          6.45  
792             1026a           2004  Birds - 5p Egret (1v)                                   2.25  
793             MS1027          2004  SAPOA #1/Birds (ss/8v)                                  6.20  
794-797         1028-1031       2004  Christmas/Flowers                                       6.25  
798-801         1032-1035       2005  Historic Buildings                                      5.75  
802-805         1036-1039       2005  Edible Crops                                            4.15  
806-809         1040-1043       2005  WWF/Black-Footed Cat                                    4.25  
809a            MS1044          2005  WWF/Black-Footed Cat (ss/8v)                            8.50  
810-813         1045-1048       2005  Christmas/Doves and Pigeons                             4.75  
813A            1048a           2006  Defs/Animals - 80t/90t (surch)                          4.75  
813B            1048b           2006  Defs/Animals - 2.10/1.95 (surch)                        2.40  
814-817         1049-1052       2006  Fish of Okavango                                        4.75  
818-821         1053-1056       2006  Tswana Cattle                                           4.75  
822-825         1057-1060       2006  Independence Anniversary/Maps                           3.20  
825a            MS1061          2006  Independence Anniversary/Maps (ss/4v)                   3.20  
826-829         1062-1065       2006  Christmas/Trees                                         3.35  
830-833         1066-1069       2007  Birds/Kingfishers                                       3.35  
834-837         1070-1073       2007  Mushrooms                                               3.35  
838             MS1079          2007  SAPOA #2/National Wildlife (ss/5v)                      5.35  
839-842         1080-1083       2007  Botswana University                                     3.90  
843-856         1084-1097       2007  Def/Butterflies - 10t-20p (14v)                        21.00  
857-861         1098-1102       2008  Local Art                                               5.20  
862-865         1103-1106       2008  Elephants                                               3.40  
866-867         1107-1108       2008  Beijing Olympic Games                                   1.20  
868-872         1109-1113       2008  National Museum                                         4.90  
873-875         1114-1116       2008  Development Events of 2008                              3.10  
876-879         1117-1120       2008  Beetles                                                 2.80  
880-883         1121-1124       2009  Endangered Birds/Cranes & Flamingos                     3.10  
884-887         1125-1128       2009  Children                                                3.20  
888-891         1129-1132       2009  Night Sky/Constellations                                3.20  
892-895         1133-1136       2010  Honey Bees                                              3.10  
896-904         1137-1145       2010  World Cup Soccer : South Africa (9v)                   10.65  
905             MS1146          2010  World Cup Soccer : South Africa (ss/9v)                14.60  
906-909         1147-1150       2010  Energy Resources                                        5.20  
909A-909F       1151-1156       2010  Nocturnal Animals                                       7.55  
---                             2010  Nocturnal Animals (ss/6v)                                .--  
910-913         1157-1160       2011  Flowers                                                 5.05  
914-917         1170-1173       2011  WWF/White Rhinoceros                                    4.75  
917a            MS1174          2011  WWF/White Rhinoceros (ss/4v)                            5.25  
918-921         1162-1165       2011  Population Census                                       4.90  
922-925         1166-1169       2011  Malaria Eradication                                     4.75  
926-929         1175-1178       2011  Wild Dogs                                               7.25  
930-935         1179-1184       2012  Myths & Legends                                         7.00  
935A            1185            2013  Def/Birds - 7.30/30t (surch)                            2.95  
936-938         1186-1191       2013  Save WaterCampaign (prs)                                7.30  
939-952         1192-1205       2014  Defs/Birds - 10t-p10 (14v)                             29.75  
953-956         1206-1209       2014  Lions of the Chobe                                      5.25  
956a            MS1210          2014  Lions of the Chobe (ss/4v)                              5.25  
956b            MS1217          2014  Lions of the Chobe/PHILAKOREA '14 (ss/4v) (ovpt)        5.25  
957-962         1211-1216       2014  Farm Animals                                            5.20  
963-966         1218-1221       2014  World Post Day                                          4.90  
967-970         1222-1225       2014  National Symbols/Tree/Flower                            4.90  
971-974         1226-1229       2015  UNESCO Heritage Site/Okavango Delta                     4.75  
974a            MS1230          2015  UNESCO Heritage Site/Okavango Delta (ss/4v)             4.75  
975-978         1231-1234       2015  Abstract Art                                            4.95  
979-982         1235-1238       2015  African Buffalo                                         5.05  
982a            MS1239          2015  African Buffalo (ss/4v)                                 5.05  
983-987         1240-1244       2015  Birds/Vultures                                          5.45  
987a            MS1245          2015  Birds/Vultures (ss/4v)                                  5.45  
988-991         1246-1249       2015  Vervet Monkey                                           5.00  
991a            MS1250          2015  Vervet Monkey (ss/4v)                                   5.10  
991b            MS1269          2016  Vervet Monkey/THAILAND '16 (ss/4v) (ovpt)              24.90  
991c            MS1251          2015  Vervet Monkey/HONG KONG '15 (ss/4v) (ovpt)              5.05  
992-995         1252-1255       2016  Elephants                                               4.90  
995a            MS1256          2016  Elephants (ss/4v)                                       4.90  
                MS1270          2016  Elephants/THAILAND '16 (ss/4v) (ovpt)                   8.45  
996-999         1257-1260       2016  Traditional Dances                                      4.90  
1000-1007       1261-1268       2016  50 Years of Progress                                    5.90  
1008-1012       1271-1275       2016  Stamps of Five Decades                                  4.90  
1013            MS1276          2016  Stamps of Five Decades/Diamonds (sa) (ss)               1.75  
1014-1017                       2016  Kgotla Democracy                                        3.70  
                                2017  Leopards of Botswana                                    4.90  
                                2017  Leopards of Botswana (ss/4v)                            4.90  
                                      --- POSTAGE DUE ISSUES ---                                    
J1-J3           D13-D15         1967  Postage Due/REPUBLIC - 1c,2c,5c (3v) (ovpt)             0.90  
J4-J7           D16-D19         1971  Postage Due/Elephants - 1c-14c (4v)                    10.00  
J8-J12          D20-D24         1978  Postage Due/Zebras - 1t-16t (5v) (p.12.5)               4.95  
J8a-J12a        D20b-D24a       1984  Postage Due/Zebras - 1t-16t (5v) (p.14.5x14)            5.95  
J8b-J12b        D25-D29         1989  Postage Due/Zebras - 1t-16t (5v) (p.14.5)               2.25  
J8c-J12c        D25a-D29a       1994  Postage Due/Zebras - 1t-16t (5v) (p.14)                 4.15  
---             D25ab-D29ab     1996  Postage Due/Zebras - 1t-16t (5v) (T-II)                  .--  

Click here ==> BOTSWANA  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.