Stanley Lisica LLC
Brunei Postage Stamps (1949-2012)
A price list (1949-2012) of Brunei mint postage stamps, souvenir sheets (miniature sheets) and booklets.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are from the 2013 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue with updating from the Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update) Monthly.
  S.G.#'s are from the British Commonwealth catalog with Gibbons Stamp Monthly updates.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently or are scarce/rare.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
January 7, 2013

Click here ==>  BRUNEI    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                    Price
--------------- --------------- ----  --------------------------------------------- -----
76-78           93-95           1949  Sultan's Silver Jubilee                         4.30
79-82           96-99           1949  UPU                                             8.95
83-96           100-113         1952  Defs/Sultan - 1c-5.00 (14v)                      .--
97-99           114-116         1958  Mosque Opening                                  1.05
100             117             1963  Freedom From Hunger                             3.00
101-112         118//129        1964  Defs - 1c-1.00 (12v)                             .--
105c            122a            1969  Defs - 6c black                                  .--
111b            128a            1969  Defs - 50c bright ultramarine                    .--
                                0     ---------------------------------------         
101a-114        118a//131       1969  Defs - 1c-5.00 (14v) (gz paper)                  .--
                                0     ---------------------------------------         
101ac           118ab           1972  Defs - 1c slate grey                             .--
104ac           121ab           1971  Defs - 4c emerald & black                        .--
106ac           123ab           1971  Defs - 8c brown red & black                      .--
107ac           124ab           1971  Defs - 10c pale brown & grey                     .--
110ac           127ab           1971  Defs - 25c red violet & grey                     .--
111ac           128ba           1971  Defs - 50c indigo & grey                         .--
102b-109b       202-209         1972  Defs - 2c-15c (side wmk) (8v)                    .--
103b//109b      203//209        1972  Defs - 3c-15c (side wmk) (6v)                    .--
102b//106b      202//206        1973  Defs - 2c 8c (side wmk) (2v)                     .--
116-117         132-133         1965  ITU                                             1.55
118-119         134-135         1965  ICY                                             0.75
120-123         136-139         1966  W.Churchill                                     7.20
124-125         140-141         1966  World Cup Soccer                                1.30
126-127         142-143         1966  WHO                                             1.20
128-130         144-146         1966  UNESCO                                          4.65
131-134         147-150         1967  Revelation of the Koran                         1.05
135-137         151-153         1968  Sultan's Installation                           1.30
138-140         154-156         1968  Sultan's Birthday                               0.90
141-143         157-159         1968  Sultan's Coronation                             0.95
144-146         160-162         1968  Language & Literature Bureau                    1.05
147-149         163-165         1968  Human Rights Year                               0.95
150-152         166-168         1968  WHO                                             1.50
153-155         169-171         1969  Installation of Pengiran/Oil Rig                3.45
156-158         172-174         1969  Royal Assembly Hall                             1.20
159-161         175-177         1969  Youth Center                                    1.20
162-164         178-180         1971  Malay Regiment/Uniforms                         6.90
165-167         181-183         1971  Police Force                                    3.70
168-170         184-186         1971  Installation of Perdana Wazir                   2.50
171-175         187-191         1972  Brunei Museum                                   5.65
176-179         192-195         1972  Royal Visit                                     8.20
180-183         196-199         1972  Name Change of Capital                          3.05
184-185         200-201         1972  Royal Air Force Museum                          7.35
186-187         210-211         1972  QEII Silver Wedding                             0.55
188-189         212-213         1973  INTERPOL Anniversary                            3.75
190-191         214-215         1973  Mark & Anne Wedding                             0.55
192-193         216-217         1973  W.Churchill                                     0.70
194-209         218-233         1974  Defs - 4c-10.00 (16v)                            .--
197b-200b       260-262         1976  Defs - 10c 20c 25c (3v) (up wmk)                 .--
194a-209a       244-259         1975  Defs - 4c-10.00 (new wmk) (16v)                  .--
215-216         234-235         1974  Airport Opening                                 3.10
217-219         236-238         1974  UPU                                             1.35
220-221         239-240         1974  W.Churchill                                     1.15
222-224         241-243         1975  Airline Inauguration/Airplanes                  6.80
225             263             1976  Defs - 10c/6c (surch)                           2.90
225a            263a            1976  Defs - 10c/6c (1v) (s/wmk)(surch)               4.20
226-228         264-266         1977  QEII Silver Jubilee                             1.00
229-231         267-269         1978  QEII Coronation Anniversary                     0.95
232-234         270-272         1978  Sultan's Coronation Anniversary                 1.70
234a            MS273           1978  Sultan's Coronation Anniversary (ss)           18.55
235-237         274-276         1978  Human Rights                                    1.10
238-239         277-278         1979  IYC                                             1.50
240-242         279-281         1979  Earth Satellite Station                         1.45
243-245         282-284         1979  Moslem Year                                     1.35
245a            MS285           1979  Moslem Year (ss)                                6.10
246-249         286-289         1980  Prince Sufri/Prince Jefri (4v)                  2.30
246//248        286-287         1980  Prince Sufri (2v)                               1.15
247//249        288-289         1980  Prince Jefri (2v)                               1.15
255-259         290-294         1981  Royal Regalia #1                                3.05
259a            MS295           1981  Royal Regalia #1 (ss)                           6.65
260-261         296-297         1981  Telecommunications & Health Year                3.10
262-267         298-303         1981  Royal Regalia #2                                3.50
268-270         304-306         1981  Charles & Diana Wedding                         1.65
271-272         307-308         1981  World Food Day                                  6.85
273-275         309-311         1981  Disabled Persons Year                           5.70
276-277         312-313         1982  R.Koch/Tuberculosis                             4.20
278-283         314-319         1982  Royal Regalia #3                                3.90
284-289         320-325         1982  Royal Regalia #4                                6.55
290-293         326-329         1983  Commonwealth Day (s/4v)                         5.05
290-293         326-329         1983  Commonwealth Day (b/4v)                         5.05
294-296         330-332         1983  World Communications Year                       4.35
297-299         333-335         1983  Stadium Opening                                 6.60
300-303         336-339         1983  Fishing Resources                              15.10
304-310         340-346         1984  Independence                                   15.40
310a            MS347           1984  Independence (ss/7v)                           16.80
311-312         MS348           1984  Independence (2 ss/4v)                          5.90
313-316         349-352         1984  Forestry Resources                             16.05
317-319         353-355         1984  PHILAKOREA '84                                  7.05
317a-319a       MS356           1984  PHILAKOREA '84 (3 ss)                           7.60
320-323         357-360         1985  Admission to Organizations #1                   3.75
323a            MS361           1985  Admission to Organizations #1 (ss)              6.90
324-326         362-364         1985  International Youth Year                       15.00
327-329         365-367         1985  Palestine Solidarity Day                       15.70
330-332         368-370         1985  Boy Scout Jamboree                              6.30
333-344         371-382         1985  Defs - 10c-10.00 (12v)                         23.00
333//336        371//374        1985  Defs - 10c-25c (4v)                              .--
337//340        375//378        1986  Defs - 35c-75 (4v)                               .--
341//343        379//381        1986  Defs - 1.00,2.00,3.00 (3v)                       .--
344             382             1986  Defs - 10.00 (1v)                                .--
                379a//382a            Defs - $1.00-$10.00 (4v) (s/wmk)                 .--
345-348         383-386         1986  Admission to Organizations #2                   2.80
348a            MS387           1986  Admission to Organizations #2 (ss)              6.30
349             388-391         1986  Armed Forces (s/4v)                            23.55
350-355         392-397         1986  Royal Ensigns #1 #2 (6v)                       11.20
350//354        392-394         1986  Royal Ensigns #1 (3v)                           5.60
351//355        395-397         1986  Royal Ensigns #2 (3v)                           5.60
356-358         398-400         1986  International Peace Year                        4.20
359-361         401-403         1987  Anti-Drug Campaign                             15.30
362-365         404-407         1987  Brassware #1                                    3.70
366             411-413         1987  Language & Literature Bureau (s/3v)             3.95
367-369         408-410         1987  ASEAN Anniversary                               3.10
370             414-417         1987  Local Fruit #1 (s/4v)                           3.90
371-373         418-420         1987  Shelter for the Homeless                        3.90
374             421-424         1988  Fruit #2 (s/4v)                                 3.90
375-377         425-427         1988  Technology Museum Opening                       3.10
378-382         428-432         1988  Handwoven Cloth #1                              2.70
382a            MS433           1988  Handwoven Cloth #1 (ss)                         4.50
383-387         442-446         1988  Handwoven Cloth #2                              2.30
387a            MS447           1988  Handwoven Cloth #2 (ss)                         5.30
388-391         434-437         1988  Brassware #2                                    2.90
392-394         438-440         1988  Sultan's Coronation Anniversary                 3.75
394a            MS441           1988  Sultan's Coronation Anniversary (ss)            4.75
395-397         448-450         1988  WHO/Malaria                                     7.25
398-401         451-454         1989  National Day                                    4.60
401a            MS455           1989  National Day (ss)                               6.40
402-404         456-458         1989  Palestinian Solidarity                          6.65
405             459-462         1989  Local Fruit #3 (s/4v)                           9.55
406-410         463-467         1989  Oil & Gas Industry                             31.35
411-413         468-470         1990  Museum Anniversary                             10.50
414-416         471-473         1990  Literacy Year                                   9.30
417-419         474-476         1990  Endangered Species/Tarsier/Monkey               9.90
420-422         477-479         1990  AIDS Campaign                                  20.50
423             480-482         1990  Local Fruit #4 (s/3v)                          10.75
424-427         483-486         1991  WWF/Proboscis Monkeys                          15.15
428-429         487-488         1991  Teacher's Day                                   7.95
430-432         489-491         1991  Brunei Beauty/Fish                             10.50
433-435         492-494         1991  Happy Family Campaign                           7.30
436-438         495-497         1992  World Health Day                               10.05
439-441         498-500         1992  Submarine Cable System                         11.25
442             501-503         1992  Visit ASEAN Year (s/3v)                         8.70
443-445         504-506         1992  ASEAN Anniversary                               9.30
446             507-511         1992  Sultan Accession Anniversary (s/5v)             9.45
447-455         512-520         1992  Birds #1 #2 #3 (9v)                            22.00
447//453        512-514         1992  Birds #1 - 30c,60c,1.00 (3v)                    6.30
448//454        515-517         1993  Birds #2 - 30c,60c,1.00 (3v)                    7.80
449//455        518-520         1993  Birds #3 - 30c,60c,1.00 (3v)                    7.90
456             521-524         1994  National Day (s/4v)                             5.65
457-460         525-528         1994  Local Fruit #5                                  7.05
461-463         529-531         1994  No Tobacco Day                                  7.35
464             532-536         1994  Girl Guides (s/5v)                             10.35
465-467         537-539         1994  Airlines Anniversary/Airplanes                  6.40
468             540-542         1994  Drug Abuse Prevention (s/3v)                    7.65
481-483         543-545         1995  City of Bandar Anniversary                      6.60
484-486         546-548         1995  United Nations                                  4.05
487-489         549-551         1995  University of Brunei                            3.85
490-492         552-554         1996  Police Anniversary                              6.90
493-495         555-557         1996  Telecommunications Year                         5.95
496-499         558-561         1996  Sultan's Birthday                               6.45
500             MS562           1996  Sultan's Birthday (ss)                          4.30
501-503         575-577         1996  Birds #4/Sea Birds                              4.50
504-515         563-574         1996  Defs/Sultan Bolkiah - 10c-10.00 (12v)          33.85
516-518         578-580         1997  Mangrove Flowers                                3.55
519-522         581-584         1997  Marine Life                                     4.30
523-525         585-587         1998  Disabled Persons                                3.40
526-528         592-594         1998  ASEAN Anniversary                               3.90
529-531         588-590         1998  Sultan's Coronation Anniversary                 4.20
531a            MS591           1998  Sultan's Coronation Anniversary (ss)            5.10
532-534         595-597         1998  Investiture of Crown Prince                     7.70
534a            MS598           1998  Investiture of Crown Prince (ss)                8.70
535-537         599-601         1998  Civil Service Day                               3.55
538-541         602-605         1998  Birds #5/Kingfishers                            6.15
542-544         606-608         1999  National Day                                    4.15
544a            MS609           1999  National Day (ss)                               4.50
549-550         610-619         1999  SEA Games/Sports (2 s/5v)                       9.90
551             MS620           1999  SEA Games/Sports (ss)                           3.75
552-554         621-623         1999  UPU Anniversary                                 3.15
555             624-629         2000  New Millennium (s/6v)                           4.05
555g            MS630           2000  New Millennium (ss)                             4.65
556-558         642-644         2000  Flowers                                         3.60
559-561         645-647         2000  APEC                                            3.30
561b            MS648           2000  APEC (ss)                                       3.90
562             631-635         2000  Events of the 20th Century (s/5v)               5.10
563             649-651         2000  Turtles (s/3v)                                  4.35
564             636-640         2000  Sultans (s/5v)                                  8.55
564f            MS641           2000  Sultans (ss)                                    9.30
565-567         652-654         2001  Visit Brunei Year #1                            4.95
568             655-659         2001  Sultan's 55th Birthday (s/5v)                   4.90
569             MS660           2001  Sultan's 55th Birthday (ss)                     3.75
570             661-663         2001  Youth Camps (s/3v)                              3.00
570d            MS664           2001  Youth Camps (ss)                                4.65
571             665-668         2001  Islamic Expo (s/4v)                             2.80
572             669-672         2001  Visit Brunei Year #2 (s/4v)                     3.40
573             673-676         2001  Year of Dialogue (s/4v)                         3.45
574             677-680         2001  WWF/Bulwer's Pheasant (s/4v)                    3.90
575             681-683         2002  Telcommunications (s/3v)                        3.45
576             684-686         2002  Survey Department (s/3v)                        3.30
577             687-690         2002  Bolkiah Foundation (s/4v)                       2.30
578             691-693         2002  Anti-Corruption Bureau (s/3v)                   2.40
579             694-697         2003  Medicinal Plants (s/4v)                         3.25
580             698-700         2003  ASEAN-Japan Exchange Year (s/3v)                2.15
581             701-704         2004  National Day (s/4v)                             2.40
581e            MS705           2004  National Day (ss)                               4.15
582             706-708         2004  National Philatelic Society (s/3v)              2.25
583             709             2004  Royal Wedding (pr+label)                        2.85
584             710-715         2006  Sultan's 60th Birthday (s/6v)                   4.95
584g            MS716           2006  Sultan's 60th Birthday (ss/6v)                  7.95
585             MS717           2006  Sultan's 60th Birthday (ss)                   140.00
586             718-721         2006  Postal Service Centenary (s/4v)                 5.45
586e            MS722           2006  Postal Service Centenary (ss/4v)                5.60
587             MS723           2006  Postal Service Centenary (ss/6v)               11.20
588-589         724-725         2006  Marine Life                                     2.30
590             MS726           2006  Marine Life (ss)                                2.95
591-602         727-738         2007  Defs/Sultan Bolkiah - 10c-10.00 (12v)          32.45
603-605         739-741         2007  100 Years of Bubungan Dua Belas                 2.45
605a            MS742           2007  100 Years of Bubungan Dua Belas (ss)            2.80
606             743-745         2007  Public Works Departmant (s/3v)                  3.10
607             746-755         2007  ASEAN/Ancient & Modern Architecture (ss/10v)    2.95
608-611         756-759         2008  Transition of Capital City                      2.95
                MS760           2008  Transition of Capital City (ss/4v)               .--
612             761-764         2008  Coronation of Sultan 40th Anniversary (s/4v)    1.95
                MS765           2008  Coronation of Sultan 40th Anniversary (ss/4v)    .--
613             MS766           2008  Coronation of Sultan 40th Anniversary  (ss)    56.00
614             767-770         2008  National Mosque 50th Anniversary (s/4v)         2.65
614e            MS771           2008  National Mosque 50th Anniversary (ss/4v)        2.65
615             MS772           2008  National Mosque 50th Anniversary (ss)          68.00
616-618         773-775         2008  Health Services Centenary                       1.65
619-620         776-791         2009  National Day/Independence (2 ss/8v)             4.75
621             MS792           2009  National Day/Independence (ss)                 25.50
622-623         793-798         2009  Wild Orchids #1,#2   (2 s/3v)                   3.60
624             799-801         2010  Modern Land Administration (s/3v)               1.75
625             802-804         2010  Liquid Natural Gas (s/3v)                       1.55
                805-810         2011  Sultan's 65th  Birthday (s/6v)                  5.70
626             MS811           2011  Sultan's 65th  Birthday (ss/6v)                 5.90
                MS812           2011  Sultan's 65th  Birthday (ss)                   72.90
627             813-815         2011  Dewan Bahasa 50th Anniversary (s/3v)            2.65
                MS816           2011  Dewan Bahasa 50th Anniversary (ss/3v)           2.65
628             817-818         2011  Farmers/Fishermen Day (pr)                      0.60
629-630         819-824         2011  Self Sufficiency Rice Production (2 s/3v)       1.85
631                             2012  Brunei Armed Forces 50th Anniversary (s/5v)     3.40
                                2012  Brunei Armed Forces 50th Anniversary (ss)      71.70
---             SB1             1976  Bklt - 1.00 buff cover/Sultan's Arms             .--
---             SB2             1986  Bklt - 1.00 red cover/Post Office Emblem         .--
---             SB3             2000  Bklt - 1.10 APEC Meeting                         .--
---             SB8             2009  Bklt - 1.30 Wild Orchids #1                      .--
---             SB9             2009  Bklt - 1.30 Wild Orchids #2                      .--
                                      PRESTIGE BOOKLETS                                
                                2000  Bklt - Rulers of Brunei                          .--

Click here ==> BRUNEI  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.