Stanley Lisica LLC
Malawi Stamps : 1964-2021
A Price list (1964-2021) of Malawi postage stamps and souvenir (miniature) sheets).

  All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are from the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (2023 ed.) -- Sydney, Ohio: Amos Media, 2022, with updating from the Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update) Monthly.
  S.G. #'s are from the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Catalogue : Southern & Central Africa (2011, 1st edition)-- London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 2011, with updates from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.   A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently or are scarce/rare.

To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
September 26, 2022

Click here ==> MALAWI    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #     SG #            Year  Description                                            Price  
1-4         211-214         1964  Independence                                            1.20  
5-17        215//227        1964  Defs - 1/2d-1.00 (13v)                                 14.25  
18-21       228-231         1964  Christmas                                               0.70  
21a         MS231a          1964  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.20  
22-25       232-235         1965  First Coinage                                           0.90  
25a         MS232a          1965  First Coinage (ss/4v)                                   1.40  
26          225a            1965  Defs - 5/- (1v) (text corrected)                        5.35  
27-28       236-237         1965  Defs - 1/6sh,3sh (surch) (2v)                           0.65  
29-32       238-241         1965  1915 Uprising Anniversary                               0.80  
32a         MS241a          1965  1915 Uprising Anniversary (ss/4v)                       5.90  
33-36       242-245         1965  University Opening                                      0.70  
36a         MS246           1965  University Opening (ss/4v)                              3.80  
37-40       247-250         1966  Butterflies                                             7.95  
40a         MS251           1966  Butterflies (ss/4v)                                    19.25  
41-51       252-262         1966  Defs - 1/2d-2.00 (11v)                                 52.75  
43          254             1966  Defs - 2d (1v)                                          0.25  
41//47      252//258        1966  Defs - 1/2d,1d,1sh (3v)                                 0.75  
44          255             1967  Defs - 3d (1v)                                          0.25  
45          256             1966  Defs - 6d (1v)                                          1.80  
46          257             1966  Defs - 9d (1v)                                          2.00  
48          259             1966  Defs - 1/6d (1v)                                        0.40  
49//50      260//261        1966  Defs - 5sh,10sh (2v)                                   21.50  
51          262             1966  Defs - 2.00 (1v)                                       25.80  
54-57       263-266         1966  Postal Service Anniversary                              0.85  
57a         MS267           1966  Postal Service Anniversary (ss/4v)                      5.10  
58-61       268-271         1966  Republic Day                                            0.80  
61a         MS272           1966  Republic Day (ss/4v)                                    2.15  
63-66       273-276         1966  Christmas                                               0.80  
67-70       277-280         1967  Lake Malawi Ships                                       2.70  
71-74       281-284         1967  Cichlids/Fish                                           3.15  
75-78       285-288         1967  Industrial Development                                  0.75  
78a         MS289           1967  Industrial Development (ss/4v)                          0.95  
79-82       290-293         1967  Christmas                                               0.75  
82a         MS294           1967  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.05  
83-86       295-298         1968  Wild Flowers                                            0.95  
86a         MS299           1968  Wild Flowers (ss/4v)                                    2.30  
87-90       300-303         1968  Locomotives                                             2.15  
90a         MS304           1968  Locomotives (ss/4v)                                     3.60  
91-94       305-308         1968  Christmas                                               0.75  
94a         MS309           1968  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       0.60  
95-109      310-323         1968  Defs/Birds -1d-2.00 (14v)                              66.50  
(104)       369             1971  UK Delivery - 30t/3s (surch)                            0.55  
110-113     324-327         1969  ILO                                                     0.70  
113a        MS328           1969  ILO (ss/4v)                                             1.25  
114-117     329-332         1969  Orchids                                                 2.15  
117a        MS333           1969  Orchids (ss/4v)                                         2.05  
118-121     334-337         1969  Africa Development Bank                                 0.70  
121a        MS338           1969  Africa Development Bank (ss/4v)                         0.75  
122-126     339-343         1969  Christmas                                               0.85  
126a        MS344           1969  Christmas (ss/5v)                                       1.10  
127-130     345-348         1970  Insects                                                 1.60  
130a        MS349           1970  Insects (ss/4v)                                         2.20  
131         350             1970  Rand Easter Show (ovpt)                                 0.65  
132-135     351-354         1970  Commonwealth Games                                      0.70  
135a        MS355           1970  Commonwealth Games (ss/4v)                              0.90  
136-137     356-357         1970  Dual Currency - 10t,20t (2v) (surch)                    3.40  
138-141     358-361         1970  Moths                                                   2.85  
141a        MS362           1970  Moths (ss/4v)                                           5.50  
142-146     363-367         1970  Christmas                                               0.90  
146a        MS368           1970  Christmas (ss/5v)                                       1.20  
148-160     375-387         1971  Defs/Antelopes - 1t-4k (13v)                           36.70  
148a        375a            1971  Defs/Antelopes - 1t (coil) (p.14.5x14)                  0.55  
148b-151a   375b-378a       1974  Defs/Antelopes - 1t,3t,5t (3v) (p.14)                   3.10  
161-164     370-373         1971  Decimal Coins and Currency                              0.95  
164a        MS374           1971  Decimal Coins and Currency (ss/4v)                      1.30  
165-172     388-395         1971  Easter/A.Durer (prs)                                    1.45  
171a,172a   MS396           1971  Easter/A.Durer (2 ss/4v)                                2.90  
173-176     397-400         1971  Flowering Shrubs and Trees                              1.05  
176a        MS401           1971  Flowering Shrubs and Trees (ss/4v)                      1.90  
177         402             1971  Police Force                                            0.75  
178-181     403-406         1971  Christmas                                               1.20  
181a        MS407           1971  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.60  
182-185     408-411         1972  Air Malawi/Airplanes                                    2.50  
185a        MS412           1972  Air Malawi/Airplanes (ss/4v)                            8.70  
186-189     413-416         1972  Rock Paintings                                          1.90  
189a        MS417           1972  Rock Paintings (ss/4v)                                  3.75  
190-193     418-421         1972  Munich Olympic Games                                    0.95  
193a        MS422           1972  Munich Olympic Games (ss/4v)                            1.70  
194         423             1972  Parliamentary Conference                                0.50  
195-198     424-427         1972  Christmas                                               0.95  
198a        MS428           1972  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.30  
199-203     429-433         1973  Butterflies - 3t-30t (5v)                              12.65  
199-202     429-432         1973  Butterflies - 3t-30t (4v)                               7.75  
203         433             1973  Butterflies - 30t (1v) (text corrected)                 5.35  
202a        MS434           1973  Butterflies (ss/4v)                                    12.85  
204-208     435//450        1973  D.Livingstone #1 #2 - 3t-50t (5v)                       1.45  
204-207     435-438         1973  D.Livingstone #1 - 3t-30t (4v)                          1.00  
207a        MS439           1973  D.Livingstone/Map #1 (ss/4v)                            1.35  
208         450             1973  D.Livingstone #2 - 50t (1v)                             0.45  
208a        MS451           1973  D.Livingstone #2 - Stained Glass (ss)                   1.10  
209-212     440-443         1973  Musical Instruments                                     0.80  
212a        MS444           1973  Musical Instruments (ss/4v)                             2.75  
213-216     445-448         1973  Christmas                                               0.80  
216a        MS449           1973  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.05  
217-220     452-455         1974  Angling Society/Game Fish                               2.85  
220a        MS456           1974  Angling Society/Game Fish (ss/4v)                       4.15  
221-224     457-460         1974  UPU Centenary                                           0.90  
224a        MS461           1974  UPU Centenary (ss/4v)                                   1.25  
225-228     462-465         1974  Independence Anniversary                                0.75  
228a        MS466           1974  Independence Anniversary (ss/4v)                        0.80  
229-232     467-470         1974  Christmas                                               0.85  
232a        MS471           1974  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       0.85  
233-245     473-485         1975  Defs/Birds - 1t-4k (13v)                               61.85  
246         472             1975  Defs/Coat of Arms - 1t (1v) (coil)                      0.75  
247         472a            1984  Defs/Coat of Arms - 5t (1v) (coil)                      2.00  
251-254     486-489         1975  Ships of Lake Malawi                                    3.35  
254a        MS490           1975  Ships of Lake Malawi (ss/4v)                            3.55  
255-258     491-494         1975  Orchids                                                 3.50  
258a        MS495           1975  Orchids (ss/4v)                                         9.20  
259-262     496-499         1975  Animals                                                 2.75  
262a        MS500           1975  Animals (ss/4v)                                         5.45  
263         514             1975  ACP Conference (ovpt)                                   1.50  
264-267     515-518         1975  Christmas                                               0.80  
267a        MS519           1975  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       2.15  
270-279     501-504         1975  Defs/Birds - 3t,10t,15t,2k (4v) (unwmk)                16.45  
281-284     520-523         1976  A.Bell/Telephone                                        1.00  
284a        MS524           1976  A.Bell/Telephone (ss/4v)                                1.80  
285-288     525-528         1976  Anniversary of Republic                                 1.10  
288a        MS529           1976  Anniversary of Republic (ss/4v)                         1.50  
289-292     530-533         1976  Locomotives                                             5.30  
292a        MS534           1976  Locomotives (ss/4v)                                     5.90  
293-294     535-536         1976  Blantyre Mission Centenary (ovpt)                       4.90  
295-298     537-540         1976  Christmas                                               0.80  
298a        MS541           1976  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       1.90  
299-302     542-545         1977  Handicrafts                                             0.80  
302a        MS546           1977  Handicrafts (ss/4v)                                     1.85  
303-306     547-550         1977  Transportation                                          3.15  
306a        MS551           1977  Transportation (ss/4v)                                  3.55  
307-310     552A-555A       1977  Fish (unwmk)                                            3.60  
310a        MS556A          1977  Fish (ss/4v) (unwmk)                                    4.00  
307-310     552B-555B       1977  Fish (wmk)                                               .--  
310a        MS556B          1977  Fish (ss/4v) (wmk)                                       .--  
311-314     557-560         1977  Christmas                                               0.95  
314a        MS561           1977  Christmas (ss/4v)                                       2.75  
315-318     562-565         1978  Easter                                                  1.20  
318a        MS566           1978  Easter (ss/4v)                                          2.15  
319-322     567-570         1978  WWF/Wildlife                                           49.25  
322a        MS571           1978  WWF/Wildlife (ss/4v)                                   84.20  
323-326     572-575         1978  Christmas/Churches                                      1.00  
326a        MS576           1978  Christmas/Churches (ss/4v)                              1.05  
327-341     577-591         1979  Defs/Orchids - 1t-4k (15v)                             21.00  
342-345     592-595         1979  Tree Planting Day/Trees                                 1.85  
345a        MS596           1979  Tree Planting Day/Trees (ss/4v)                         2.40  
346-349     597-600         1979  Salima-Lilongwe Railroad                                2.40  
349a        MS601           1979  Salima-Lilongwe Railroad (ss/4v)                        4.80  
350-353     602-605         1979  Year of the Child                                       1.20  
354-357     606-609         1979  R.Hill                                                  0.80  
357a        MS610           1979  R.Hill (ss/4v)                                          1.05  
358-361     611-614         1979  Christmas/Landscapes                                    1.10  
362-365     615-618         1980  Rotary International                                    1.15  
365a        MS619           1980  Rotary International (ss/4v)                            1.90  
366-369     620-623         1980  LONDON '90                                              0.95  
369a        MS624           1980  LONDON '90 (ss/4v)                                      1.65  
370-373     625-628         1980  Gemstones                                               8.55  
374-377     629-632         1980  Christmas                                               3.60  
378-381     633-636         1981  Wildlife                                                2.55  
382-385     637-640         1981  International Communications                            1.95  
385a        MS641           1981  International Communications (ss/4v)                    2.30  
386-389     642-645         1981  World Food Day                                          2.05  
390-393     646-649         1981  Christmas                                               2.20  
394-397     650-653         1982  National Parks/Wildlife                                 3.70  
398-401     654-657         1982  Kamuzu Academy                                          2.10  
402-404     658-660         1982  World Cup Soccer                                        4.85  
405         MS661           1982  World Cup Soccer (ss)                                   2.15  
406-409     662-665         1982  Remembrance Day/War Memorials                           1.45  
410-413     666-669         1983  Commonwealth Day                                        1.25  
414-416     970-672         1983  Paintings/Raphael                                       2.40  
417         MS673           1983  Paintings/Raphael (ss)                                  2.55  
418         674-678         1983  African Fish Eagle (s/5v)                              14.70  
419-422     679-682         1983  Manned Flight Bicentenary                               2.60  
422a        MS683           1983  Manned Flight Bicentenary (ss/4v)                       2.90  
423-426     684-687         1983  Christmas/Flowers                                       6.75  
427-441     688-702         1984  Defs/Fish - 1t-4k (15v) "1984"                         27.20  
427a-436a   688//697        1986  Defs/Fish - 1t-40t (8v) "1986"                         16.25  
442-445     703-706         1984  Small Mammals                                           4.55  
446-449     707-710         1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games                               2.80  
449a        MS711           1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games (ss/4v)                       3.70  
450-453     712-715         1984  Butterflies                                            14.90  
454-457     716-719         1984  Christmas                                               8.80  
458-461     720-723         1985  Mushrooms                                              15.85  
462-465     724-727         1985  SADCC Anniversary                                      12.25  
466-469     728-731         1985  Ships of Lake Malawi #2                                10.20  
469a        MS732           1985  Ships of Lake Malawi #2 (ss/4v)                        11.00  
470-473     733-736         1985  J.Audubon/Birds                                        10.15  
473a        MS737           1985  J.Audubon/Birds (ss/4v)                                13.10  
474-477     738-741         1985  Christmas                                               5.45  
478-481     742-745         1986  Halley's Comet                                          5.65  
482-486     746-749         1986  World Cup Soccer                                        7.75  
485a        MS750           1986  World Cup Soccer (ss/4v)                               12.15  
486-489     751-754         1986  Republic Anniversary                                    8.05  
490-493     755-758         1986  Christmas                                               7.70  
494-497     759-762         1987  WWF/Wattled Crane                                      16.55  
494a-497a   763-766         1988  WWF/Wattled Crane (new wmk)                            40.65  
498-501     767-770         1987  Steam Locomotives                                      17.45  
502-505     771-774         1987  Hippopotamus                                           16.35  
505a        MS775           1987  Hippopotamus (ss/4v)                                   16.90  
506-509     776-779         1987  Christmas/Flowers                                      10.40  
510-513     780-783         1988  Chess                                                  14.35  
514-517     784-787         1988  Seoul Olympic Games                                     4.15  
517a        MS788           1988  Seoul Olympic Games (ss/4v)                             5.20  
518-533A    789//804        1988  Defs/Birds - 1t-10k (17v)                              46.25  
518-532     789-803         1988  Defs/Birds - 1t-4k (15v)                               16.35  
533         804             1988  Defs/Birds - 10k Sunbird (1v)                          14.80  
533A        804a            1995  Defs/Birds - 10k Robin (1v)                            17.30  
534-537     805-808         1988  Lloyd's of London                                       8.95  
538-541     809-812         1988  Christmas                                               7.45  
542-545     813-816         1989  Angling Society/Fish                                   10.15  
546-549     817-820         1989  Independence Anniversary                               12.60  
550-553     821-824         1989  African Development Bank                               10.85  
554-557     825-828         1989  United Nations-Malawi Cooperation                      10.60  
558-561     829-832         1989  Christmas/Churches                                     10.60  
562-565     833-836         1990  Classic Cars                                           12.50  
565a        MS837           1990  Classic Cars (ss/4v)                                   20.25  
566-569     838-841         1990  World Cup Soccer                                       13.80  
569a        MS842           1990  World Cup Soccer (ss/4v)                               14.35  
570-573     843-846         1990  SADCC                                                  14.00  
573a        MS847           1990  SADCC (ss/4v)                                          13.65  
574-577     853-856         1990  Christmas/Paintings/Raphael                            13.35  
577a        MS857           1990  Christmas/Paintings/Raphael (ss/4v)                    14.30  
578-581     848-851         1990  Orchids                                                16.10  
581a        MS852           1990  Orchids (ss/4v)                                        16.40  
582-585     858-861         1991  Wildlife                                               17.05  
585a        MS862           1991  Wildlife (ss/4v)                                       17.35  
586-589     863-866         1991  Postal Service Centenary                               13.50  
589a        MS867           1991  Postal Service Centenary (ss/4v)                       14.05  
590-593     868-871         1991  Insects                                                14.30  
594-597     872-875         1991  Christmas                                              11.50  
598         876-895         1992  Birds (ss/20v)                                         51.95  
600-3       896-899         1992  Barcelona Olympic Games                                 8.90  
603a        MS900           1992  Barcelona Olympic Games (ss/4v)                        10.15  
604-607     901-904         1992  Christmas                                               9.00  
608-611     905-908         1992  International Space Year                                9.45  
612-615     909-912         1993  World Forestry Day/Fruit Trees                          8.90  
616-619     913-916         1993  Butterflies                                             9.65  
620-622     921-923         1993  Prehistoric Animals                                     4.80  
623         MS924           1993  Prehistoric Animals (ss/6v)                            16.25  
624-627     917-920         1993  Christmas                                               2.90  
628-633     925-930         1994  Fish                                                    8.35  
634-637     931-934         1994  Ships of Lake Malawi                                    4.65  
638         MS935           1994  Ships of Lake Malawi (ss)                               6.75  
639-642     936-939         1994  Christmas                                               3.80  
643-646     940-943         1995  COMESA                                                  1.80  
647-650     949-952         1995  Christmas                                               3.10  
651-654     953-956         1996  Butterflies                                             4.85  
655-658     957-960         1996  Christmas                                               3.50  
659-662     944-947         1995  United Nations 50th Anniversary                         3.30  
662a        MS948           1995  United Nations 50th Anniversary (ss/4v)                 3.60  
663-666     961-964         1997  P.Harris/Rotary International                           4.20  
667-670     965-968         1997  UNICEF/Children's Rights                                4.25  
671-674     969-972         1997  Christmas                                               4.90  
675-678     973-976         1998  Diana                                                   1.85  
678a        MS977           1998  Diana (ss/4v)                                           2.05  
679-682     978-981         1998  Monuments                                               2.90  
683-686     982-985         1998  Human Rights                                            2.90  
687-690     986-989         1998  Christmas (4v)                                           .--  
691-694     990-993         1999  Christmas                                               4.00  
695-698     998-1001        2000  SADC/Developement Community                             3.20  
699-702     994-997         2000  Commonwealth Anniversary/Musical Instruments            3.20  
703-705     1002-1004       2000  Christmas                                               2.90  
706-713     1005-1012       2002  Defs/Butterflies - 1k-100k (8v)                        10.70  
714         1013-1016       2003  WWF/Puku (s/4v) (ex-ms)                                 7.60  
714         1013-1016       2003  WWF/Puku (ms/16v)                                        .--  
714e        MS1017          2003  WWF/Puku (ss/8v)                                       14.80  
715-718     MS1018-MS1021   2003  Flora & Fauna (4 ss/6v)                                41.70  
719-722     MS1022          2003  Flora & Fauna (4 ss)                                   24.50  
723         MS1029          2004  Tour de France (ss/4v)                                  6.45  
724         MS1030          2004  Tour de France Bicycle Race (ss)                        4.65  
725         MS1023          2004  Powered Flight Anniversary (ss/4v)                      5.50  
726         MS1024          2004  Powered Flight Anniversary (ss)                         3.90  
727-728     MS1025,MS1027   2004  Automobiles/Cadillac/Corvette (2 ss/4v)                11.00  
729-730     MS1026,MS1028   2004  Automobiles/Cadillac/Corvette (2 ss)                    7.85  
            MS1031          2004  SAPOA/National Birds (ss/8v)                             .--  
                            2005  Rotary International (4v)                               7.75  
731         MS1032          2005  Rotary International (ss/4v)                           10.90  
733-742     1032a-1032k     2007  Project Nature/Butterflies - 5k-115k (11v)             15.75  
744         1033            2008  UNICEF/Stop Child Abuse                                 3.95  
            MS1034          2008  UNICEF/Stop Child Abuse (ss)                           10.70  
745         MS1035          2009  Endangered Animals (ss/4v)                              8.15  
746         MS1036          2009  Endangered Animals (ss)                                 8.15  
747         MS1037          2009  Hippopotamuses (ss/4v)                                  8.30  
748         MS1038          2009  Hippopotamuses (ss)                                     8.50  
749         MS1039          2009  Wildlife (ss/6v)                                       12.65  
750         MS1040          2009  Wildlife/Leopard (ss)                                  12.50  
751         1041-1044       2009  WWF/Lilian's Lovebirds (s/4v) (ex-ms)                   8.80  
751         1041-1044       2009  WWF/Lilian's Lovebirds (ms/16v)                          .--  
751e        MS1045          2009  WWF/Lilian's Lovebirds (ss/8v)                         18.60  
752         ---             2010  SAPOA/National Animals (ss/5v)                         23.80  
---         1046-1054       2010  SAPOA/World Cup Soccer : South Africa (9v)             16.05  
753         MS1055          2010  SAPOA/World Cup Soccer : South Africa (ss/9v)          29.80  
754-757     1056-1059       2010  Christmas/Creche Figures                                5.40  
758-759     1060-1061       2011  EU Partnership Anniversary                              6.35  
759a        MS1062          2011  EU Partnership Anniversary (ss/2v)                      6.35  
760-764     1063-1067       2011  Animals/The Big 5                                      11.05  
764a        MS1068          2011  Animals/The Big 5 (ss/5v)                              11.05  
765-769     1069-1073       2011  Christmas                                              22.40  
769a        MS1074          2011  Christmas (ss/5v)                                      22.40  
770-773     1075-1078       2012  Tsetse & Trypasonomiasis Eradication                   11.05  
774         MS1079          2012  Tsetse & Trypasonomiasis Eradication (ss/4v)           11.05  
775-779     1080-1084       2012  Campaign Against AIDS                                  10.50  
780-784     1085-1089       2012  Traditional Dances                                     10.80  
784a        MS1090          2012  Traditional Dances (ss/5v)                             10.80  
785-794     1091-1100       2014  Lake Malawi Scenes                                     31.50  
794a        MS1101          2014  Lake Malawi Scenes (ss/10v)                            31.50  
795-799     1102-1106       2014  Independence 50th Anniversary                          15.30  
799b        MS1107          2014  Independence 50th Anniversary (ss/5v)                  15.35  
800-804     1108-1112       2014  Christmas Trees                                        11.05  
804a        MS1113          2014  Christmas Trees (ss/5v)                                11.05  
805         1114-1121       2016  Endemic Fish (ss/8v)                                   11.05  
806         MS1125          2016  Endemic Fish (ss/2v)                                    2.20  
807-810     MS1122//MS1126  2016  Endemic Fish (4 ss)                                     5.90  
811         1127-1132       2016  Indigenous Birds (ss/6v)                                9.40  
812-818     MS1133-MS1139   2016  Indigenous Birds (7 ss)                                 6.85  
819         1140-1145       2016  Wild Fruit (ss/6v)                                      9.25  
820-825     MS1146-MS1151   2016  Wild Fruit (6 ss)                                       6.35  
826         1152-1158       2016  Endangered Animals (ss/7v)                             10.80  
827-833     MS1159-MS1165   2016  Endangered Animals (7 ss)                               6.75  
834         1168-1174       2016  Herbs (ss/7v)                                           9.10  
835-839     MS1175-MS1179   2016  Herbs (5 ss)                                            6.35  
840-841     1166-1167       2016  Defs/Birds - k520/7t,K815/75t (surch) (2v)               .--  
842-845     1180-1183       2017  Provisionals/Birds - 3x600k,900k (4v) (surch)            .--  
846-850     ---             2018  Provisional Issue - 600k-2000k (5v)                      .--  
851-855     ---             2018  Provisional Issue - 2x600k,2x900,1280k (5v)              .--  
856         1198-1203       2018  Indigenous Birds (ss/6v)                               12.65  
857-862     MS1204-MS1209   2018  Indigenous Birds (6 ss)                                 7.15  
863         1210-1215       2018  Mushrooms (ss/6v)                                      11.35  
864-869     MS1216-MS1221   2018  Mushrooms (6 ss)                                        7.15  
870         1222-1227       2018  Translocation of Elephants (ss/6v)                     11.35  
871-876     MS1228-MS1233   2018  Translocation of Elephants (6 ss)                       7.15  
877         1234-1239       2018  Birds/Vultures (ss/6v)                                 11.35  
878-882     MS1240-MS1244   2018  Birds/Vultures (5 ss)                                   6.45  
883         1257-1262       2018  Wildlife (ss/6v)                                       11.05  
884-889     MS1263-MS1267   2018  Wildlife (6 ss)                                         6.85  
890         1245-1250       2019  Insects (ss/6v)                                        11.35  
891-896     MS1251-MS1256   2019  Insects ( 6 ss)                                         7.15  
897         1268-1273       2019  Gemstones (ss/6v)                                      11.35  
898-903     MS1274-MS1279   2019  Gemstones (6 ss)                                        7.15  
904                         2019  Domesticated Birds (ss/6v)                             11.35  
905-910                     2019  Domesticated Birds (6 ss)                               7.15  
911-914                     2020  Butterflies - 600k-900k (4v) (surch)                    8.40  
915-917                     2021  Soccer - 600,900,1280k (3 ss/9v) (surch)               74.40  
918-920                     2021  Independence,Christmas (3v) (surch)                     8.90  
                                 --- POSTAGE DUE ISSUES ---                                
J1-J6       D6-D11          1967  Postage Due - 1d-1sh (6v)                               2.40  
J7-J11      D12-D16         1971  Postage Due/Decimal - 2t-10t (5v)                       3.30  
J12         D17             1975  Postage Due - 2t brown (redrawn) (1v)                   1.50  
J13-J16     D23-D26         1977  Postage Due - 2t-10t (unwmk) (4v)                      26.40  
J13//J16    D23/D26         1977  Postage Due - 2t,4t,10t (unwmk) (3v)                     .--  
J15         D25             1978  Postage Due - 8t (unwmk) (1v)                            .--  
J13a-J16a   D18//D22        1982  Postage Due - 2t,4t,10t (3v) (s/wmk)                     .--  
---         D20//D21        1984  Postage Due - 6t ,8t (2v) (s/wmk)                        .--  
J13b-J16b   D27-D31         1989  Postage Due - 2t,4t,8t,10t (4v) (p.15x14)               8.25  
                                  --- BOOKLETS ---                                          
            SB3             2014  Bklt - 2680k Independence 50th Anniversary               .--  

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Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.