Stanley Lisica LLC

Search Results

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Your search resulted in 406 matching items found. Displaying 340-364
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click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1230-1231 SG# 1410-1413 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2018 $7.70  
Description: Migratory Species/Penguins & Birds (v/prs)
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1232-1235 SG# 1414-1417 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 2018 $7.70  
Description: Fox Bay Post Office Centenary
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1236-1239 SG# 1418-1421 Format: 4 in stock  
Year: 2018 $7.70  
Description: FIGAS 70th Anniversary/Airplanes
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1240-1243 SG# 1422-1425 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2018 $7.70  
Description: Landscapes
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1244-1247 SG# 1426-1429 Format: 4 in stock  
Year: 2019 $7.85  
Description: Local Shipwrecks #3
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1248-1251 SG# 1430-1433 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 2019 $7.85  
Description: D-Day 75th Anniversary
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1252-1257 SG# 1434-1439 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 2019 $10.35  
Description: Birds Feathers
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1258-1259 SG# 1440-1441 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2019 $3.60  
Description: Charities/P.Collins & S.Jaffray
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1260-1263 SG# 1442-1445 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 2019 $9.95  
Description: Transportation/Land Rover Vehicles
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1264-1267 SG# 1446-1449 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 2020 $7.70  
Description: Shipwrecks #4
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1268-1272 SG# 1450-1454 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2020 $9.55  
Description: Coins & Penguins
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1273-1276 SG# 1455-1458 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2020 $7.85  
Description: Falkland Island Philatelic Study Groups
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1277-1282 SG# 1459-1464 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2020 $12.45  
Description: M.Peake/Bird Paintings
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1283-1286 SG# 1465-1468 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2020 $9.30  
Description: Land Mines & Demining Program
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1287-1290 SG# 1469-1472 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 2020 $8.40  
Description: Christmas/Children's Artwork
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1291-1296 SG# 1473-1478 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 2021 $12.75  
Description: QEII 95th Birthday/Devoted to Your Service
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1297-1302 SG# 1479-1484 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 2021 $15.10  
Description: M.Peake/Paintings/Views
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1303-1306 SG# 1485-1488 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2021 $8.50  
Description: Prince Philip
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1307-1312 SG# 1489-1494 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2021 $13.75  
Description: Tourism : The TRIP Scheme
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1313-1316 SG# 1495-1498 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2021 $8.50  
Description: Black Browed Albatross
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1317 SG# MS1499 Format: ss 2 in stock  
Year: 2021 $7.55  
Description: Ships : RRS Attenborough (ss)
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1318-1321 SG# 1500-1503 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2022 $8.50  
Description: E.Shackleton
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1322-1323 SG# 1504-1505 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2022 $9.80  
Description: QEII Platinum Jubillee
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1324 SG# MS1506 Format: ss 1 in stock  
Year: 2022 $8.10  
Description: QEII Platinum Jubillee (ss)
click to view large image Falkland Is.
Scott# 1325-1326 SG# 1507-1508 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2022 $7.70  
Description: Direct Airmail Flight Anniversary

Search resulted in 406 matching items found. Displaying 340-364
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