Stanley Lisica LLC

Search Results

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Display order can be resorted by COUNTRY and SG# or by YEAR OF ISSUE .
To display only items in stock, select the IN STOCK option.
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Your search resulted in 1261 matching items found. Displaying 201-225
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Great Britain
Scott# 991-995 SG# 1187-1191 Format: 16 in stock  
Year: 1982 $2.70  
Description: Maritime Heritage/Ships
Great Britain
Scott# 996-999 SG# 1192-1195 Format: 7 in stock  
Year: 1982 $1.90  
Description: Textiles
click to view large image Great Britain
Scott# 1000-1001 SG# 1196-1197 Format: 22 in stock  
Year: 1982 $1.00  
Description: Information Technology
Great Britain
Scott# 1002-1005 SG# 1198-1201 Format: 4 in stock  
Year: 1982 $2.35  
Description: British Automobiles
Great Britain
Scott# 1006-1010 SG# 1202-1206 Format: 7 in stock  
Year: 1982 $2.25  
Description: Christmas/Carols
Great Britain
Scott# 1011-1014 SG# 1207-1210 Format: 8 in stock  
Year: 1983 $2.00  
Description: River Fish
Great Britain
Scott# 1015-1018 SG# 1211-1214 Format: 20 in stock  
Year: 1983 $2.00  
Description: Commonwealth Day
Great Britain
Scott# 1019-1021 SG# 1215-1217 Format: 20 in stock  
Year: 1983 $1.65  
Description: Europa/Engineering Achievements
Great Britain
Scott# 1022-1026 SG# 1218-1222 Format: 14 in stock  
Year: 1983 $2.45  
Description: Army Uniforms
Great Britain
Scott# 1027-1030 SG# 1223-1226 Format: 5 in stock  
Year: 1983 $2.10  
Description: Gardens
Great Britain
Scott# 1031-1034 SG# 1227-1230 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 1983 $2.10  
Description: British Fairs
Great Britain
Scott# 1035-1039 SG# 1231-1235 Format: 8 in stock  
Year: 1983 $2.45  
Description: Christmas
Great Britain
Scott# 1040-1043 SG# 1236-1239 Format: 13 in stock  
Year: 1984 $2.20  
Description: College of Arms/Heraldry
Great Britain
Scott# 1044-1048 SG# 1240-1244 Format: 23 in stock  
Year: 1984 $2.55  
Description: Cattle
Great Britain
Scott# 1049-1052 SG# 1245-1248 Format: 29 in stock  
Year: 1984 $2.20  
Description: Urban Renewal
Great Britain
Scott# 1053-1056 SG# 1249-1252 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1984 $3.05  
Description: Europa/Parliament Elections (4v)
Great Britain
Scott# 1053-1056 SG# 1249-1252 Format: 26 in stock  
Year: 1984 $3.30  
Description: Europa/Parliament Election (prs)
Great Britain
Scott# 1057 SG# 1253 Format: 26 in stock  
Year: 1984 $0.90  
Description: Economic Summit
Great Britain
Scott# 1058-1061 SG# 1254-1257 Format: 24 in stock  
Year: 1984 $2.45  
Description: Greenwich Meridian
Great Britain
Scott# 1062-1066 SG# 1258-1262 Format: out of stock  
Year: 1984 $2.20  
Description: Mail Coach Run (5v)
Great Britain
Scott# 1062-1066 SG# 1258-1262 Format: 3 in stock  
Year: 1984 $2.55  
Description: Mail Coach Run (s/5v)
Great Britain
Scott# 1067-1070 SG# 1263-1266 Format: 28 in stock  
Year: 1984 $2.55  
Description: British Council
Great Britain
Scott# 1088-1092 SG# 1267-1271 Format: 29 in stock  
Year: 1984 $2.35  
Description: Christmas
Great Britain
Scott# 1093-1097 SG# 1272-1276 Format: 16 in stock  
Year: 1985 $3.55  
Description: Famous Locomotives
Great Britain
Scott# 1098-1102 SG# 1277-1281 Format: 16 in stock  
Year: 1985 $3.10  
Description: Insects

Search resulted in 1261 matching items found. Displaying 201-225
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