Stanley Lisica LLC
Ascension Is. Stamps : 1946-2024
A price list (1946-2024) of Ascension Island postage stamps, souvenir (miniature) sheets and booklets.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

 Scott #'s are from the 2025 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (181st edition) -- Sydney, Ohio: Amos Media, 2024 with updating from Scott Stamp Monthly.
 SG #'s are from the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Catalogue : St. Helena, Ascension & Tristan da Cunha (5th ed.) -- London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 2014 with updates from
Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

 Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that a catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. Frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) the catalog editors combine the parts or new value into one set. 

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability.   Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
October 25, 2024

Click here ===> ASCENSION ISLAND to see the current inventory or to place an order.

Scott #     SG #            Year  Description                                            Price  
50-51       48-49           1946  Peace/Victory                                           0.70  
52-53       50-51           1948  Silver Wedding                                         52.05  
57-60       52-55           1949  UPU 75th Anniversary                                    9.40  
61          56              1953  QEII Coronation                                         1.10  
62-74       57-69           1956  Defs - 1/2d-10sh (13v)                                127.75  
75-88       70-83           1963  Defs/Birds - 1d-1.00 (14v)                             63.20  
89          84              1963  Freedom From Hunger                                     0.85  
90-91       85-86           1963  Red Cross                                               5.40  
92-93       87-88           1965  ITU                                                     1.55  
94-95       89-90           1965  ICY                                                     1.10  
96-99       91-94           1966  W.Churchill                                             8.55  
100-101     95-96           1966  World Cup Soccer                                        2.15  
102-103     97-98           1966  WHO                                                     5.40  
104-107     99-102          1966  Satellite Earth Station                                 0.85  
108-110     107-109         1967  UNESCO                                                  9.55  
111-114     103-106         1967  BBC Relay Station                                       0.80  
115-117     110-112         1968  Human Rights Year                                       0.75  
118-125     113-120         1968  Fish #1 & #2 - 4d-2/11d (8v)                            7.10  
118//124    113-116         1968  Fish #1 - 4d,8d,1/9d,2/3d  (4v)                         2.60  
119//125    117-120         1969  Fish #2 - 4d,6d,1/6d,2/11d (4v)                         4.50  
126-129     121-124         1969  Naval Crests #1                                         3.30  
129a        MS125           1969  Naval Crests #1 (ss/4v)                                 7.05  
130-133     126-129         1970  Fish #3                                                14.25  
134-137     130-133         1970  Naval Crests #2                                         5.80  
137a        MS134           1970  Naval Crests #2 (ss/4v)                                10.30  
138-151     135-148         1971  Defs/Space Travel - 1/2p-1.00 (14v)                    29.05  
152-155     149-152         1971  Naval Crests #3                                         4.25  
155a        MS153           1971  Naval Crests #3 (ss/4v)                                 6.10  
156-159     154-157         1972  Naval Crests #4                                         3.30  
159a        MS158           1972  Naval Crests #4 (ss/4v)                                 3.30  
160-163     159-162         1972  E.Shackleton's Death                                    1.90  
163a        MS163           1972  E.Shackleton's Death (ss/4v)                            2.20  
164-165     164-165         1972  QEII Silver Wedding                                     0.55  
166-169     166-169         1973  Naval Crests #5                                        10.30  
169a        MS170           1973  Naval Crests #5 (ss/4v)                                21.35  
170-172     171-173         1973  Turtles                                                 8.80  
173-176     174-177         1973  Departure of Royal Marines                              9.35  
177-178     178-179         1973  Royal Wedding : Anne & Mark                             0.50  
179-180     180-181         1974  UPU Centenary                                           0.55  
181-182     182-183         1974  W.Churchill                                             0.75  
182a        MS184           1974  W.Churchill (ss/2v)                                     1.45  
183-184     185-186         1975  Space Satellites                                        0.80  
185-188     187-190         1975  Wideawake Airfield/Airplanes                            4.85  
188a        MS191           1975  Wideawake Airfield/Airplanes (ss/4v)                   14.75  
189-191     192-194         1975  Apollo-Soyuz Space Link (ovpt)                          0.85  
192-195     195-198         1975  Occupation Anniversary                                  1.20  
196-211     199-214         1976  Defs/Birds - 1p-2.00 (16v)                             17.25  
212-214     215-217         1976  Festival of Stamps                                      0.80  
(214a)      MS218           1976  Festival of Stamps (ss/3v)                              2.40  
215-217     219-221         1976  US Bicentennial                                         1.20  
218-220     222-224         1977  QEII Silver Jubilee                                     0.70  
221-224     225-228         1977  Water Supplies                                          1.15  
225-228     229-232         1977  D.Gill/Astronomer                                       1.20  
229         233a            1978  QEII Coronation Anniversary (ss/6v)                     1.75  
230-234     236-240         1978  Volcanic Rock Formations (s/5v)                         1.55  
234a        MS241           1978  Volcanic Rock Formations (ss/10v)                       2.50  
235-238     242-245         1979  J.Cook's Voyages                                        1.45  
239-241     246-248         1979  Ascension Day                                           0.75  
242-246     249-253         1979  Eastern Telegraph Company                               1.25  
247-250     254-257         1979  R.Hill                                                  0.95  
251-256     258-263         1980  Ferns and Grasses                                       1.15  
257-260     264-267         1980  LONDON '80/Ships                                        1.25  
260a        MS268           1980  LONDON '80/Ships (ss/4v)                                1.50  
261         269             1980  Queen Mother Birthday                                   0.35  
261         269             1980  Queen Mother Birthday (ms/9v)                           2.75  
262-265     270-273         1980  Fish                                                    2.15  
266-268     274-276         1980  Royal Geographical Society                              1.20  
269-272     277-280         1981  Green Mountain Farm                                     1.00  
273         281             1981  Space Shuttle Mission (ms/10v)                          3.05  
273a        281             1981  Space Shuttle Mission (ex-ms) (1v)                      0.35  
274-288     282A-296A       1981  Defs/Flowers - 1p-2.00 (15v)                           16.10  
275a-287a   283B-295B       1982  Defs/Flowers - 2p-1.00 (6v) "1982"                      4.80  
289         MS301           1981  Early Maps of Ascension (ss/4v)                         0.55  
290-293     297-300         1981  Early Maps of Ascension (4v)                            1.30  
294-296     302-304         1981  Royal Wedding : Diana & Charles                         0.90  
297-300     305-308         1981  Duke Of Edinburgh's Awards                              0.90  
301-304     309-312         1982  Boy Scouts                                              1.45  
304a        MS313           1982  Boy Scouts (ss/4v)                                      1.30  
305-308     314-317         1982  C.Darwin's Voyages                                      1.60  
309-312     318-321         1982  Wideawake Airfield/Airplanes                            4.55  
313-316     322-325         1982  Diana Birthday                                          2.65  
317-320     328-331         1982  Christmas/BBC Anniversary                               1.65  
321-322     326-327         1982  Flowers/Commonwealth Games (ovpt)                       0.60  
323-327     332-336         1983  Fungi                                                   3.80  
328-331     337-340         1983  Island Views #1                                         1.25  
332-335     341-344         1983  Manned Flight/Military Aircraft                         2.75  
336-339     345-348         1983  Introduced Species/Animals                              2.15  
340-344     349-353         1983  Sea Shells                                              1.80  
345-348     354-357         1984  St. Helena Colony Anniversary                           1.50  
349         MS358           1984  Prince Andrew Visit (ss/2v)                             1.25  
351-354     359-362         1984  Lloyds's List/Newspaper                                 2.55  
355-358     363-366         1984  New Coinage/Wildlife                                    2.95  
359-362     367-370         1984  Island Views #2                                         1.75  
363-367     371-375         1985  Trees                                                   3.15  
368-371     381-384         1985  Guns on Ascension                                       3.00  
372-375     376-379         1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother                            2.35  
376         MS380           1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother (ss)                       1.25  
377-380     385-388         1985  Girl Guides/Youth Year                                  3.05  
381-384     389-392         1985  Wildflowers                                             2.75  
385-388     393-396         1986  Halley's Comet                                          3.20  
389-393     397-401         1986  QEII Birthday                                           2.15  
394-397     402-405         1986  Postage Stamps/AMERIPEX '86                             2.20  
398         MS406           1986  Statue of Liberty/AMERIPEX '86 (ss)                     2.70  
399-400     407-408         1986  Royal Wedding : Sarah & Andrew                          1.25  
401-415     409-423         1986  Defs/Navy Ships - 1p-2.00 (15v)                        22.35  
416-419     424-427         1987  Edible Bush Fruits                                      3.95  
420-423     428-431         1987  Manned Space Flight                                     5.35  
424         MS432           1987  Manned Space Flight (ss)                                2.05  
425         433-437         1987  Military Uniforms #1 (s/5v)                             3.25  
426-429     438-441         1987  Insects #1/Butterflies                                  5.90  
430         442-446         1987  Sea Birds #1 (s/5v)                                     9.65  
431-435     447-451         1987  QEII 40th Wedding Anniversary (ovpt)                    2.70  
436-439     452-455         1988  Insects #2                                              5.20  
440-444     456-460         1988  W.Bate/Death Anniversary                                3.50  
445-448     461-464         1988  Australia Settlement/Naval Ships                        7.05  
449-452     465-468         1988  Naval Ships/SYDPEX '88 (ovpt)                           4.80  
453         469-473         1988  Sea Birds #2 (s/5v)                                     8.25  
454-457     474-477         1988  Lloyd's of London                                       4.10  
458         478-482         1988  Military Uniforms #2 (s/5v)                             6.95  
459-462     483-486         1989  Insects #3                                              7.30  
463-466     487-490         1989  Land Crabs (4v)                                         5.35  
467-467C    ---             1989  Land Crabs (4v)                                         5.65  
467Cd       MS491           1989  Land Crabs (ss/4v)                                      6.25  
468-471     493-496         1989  First Manned Moon Landing                               4.60  
472         MS497           1989  First Manned Moon Landing (ss)                          3.30  
473         MS492           1989  PHILEXFRANCE '89/STAMP EXPO '89 #1 (ss)                 3.50  
474         498-503         1989  PHILEXFRANCE '89/STAMP EXPO '89 #2 (ss/6v)              4.15  
475         504a            1989  Closure of Tracking Station (ms/10v)                    8.30  
475a-475b   504-505         1989  Closure of Tracking Station (ex-ms) (2v)                1.55  
476-479     506-509         1989  Sea Shells                                              6.55  
480-481     510-511         1989  Defs/Wildlife - 18p Donkey,25p Turtle(ex-bklt)(2v)      2.85  
482         512-516         1990  Royal Navy Equipment (s/5v)                             5.30  
483-486     517-520         1990  WWF/Frigate Birds                                      10.45  
487-490     521-524         1990  LONDON '90                                              5.40  
491-492     525-526         1990  Queen Mother Birthday                                   3.85  
493-496     531-534         1990  Voyage of St. Helena/Ships                              8.05  
497         MS535           1990  Voyage of St. Helena/Ships (ss)                         5.55  
498-501     527-530         1990  Christmas                                               8.15  
502-504     536-538         1991  British Occupation/Ships (ovpt)                         8.90  
505-506     539-540         1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (2v)                            2.40  
505-506     539a            1991  QEII & Philip Birthdays (pr+lab) (ex-ms)                2.65  
507         541-545         1991  Royal Marines Equipment (s/5v)                          7.75  
508-511     546-549         1991  BBC Relay Station Anniversary                           7.75  
512-515     550-553         1991  Christmas/Churches                                      6.95  
516-530     554-568         1991  Defs/Fish - 1p-2.50 (15v)                              32.25  
531-535     569-573         1992  QEII Accession 40th Anniversary                         5.10  
536-539     574-577         1992  Discovery of America/COLUMBIAN '92                      9.75  
540-543     578-581         1992  Wideawake Airfield Anniversary                          6.05  
544-547     582-585         1992  Falkland Islands Liberation                             6.70  
548         MS586           1992  Falkland Islands Liberation (ss/4v)                     6.50  
549-552     587-590         1992  Christmas/Paintings                                     6.95  
553-556     591-594         1993  Yellow Canary/Birds                                     6.95  
557-560     595-598         1993  RAF 75th Anniversary/Airplanes                          8.45  
561         MS599           1993  RAF 75th Anniversary/Airplanes (ss/4v)                  4.80  
562-565     600-603         1993  South Atlantic Cable                                    6.40  
566-569     604-607         1993  Local Flowers                                           8.25  
570-574     608-612         1993  Christmas                                               6.90  
574a        MS613           1993  Christmas (ss/5v)                                      10.20  
575-579     614-618         1994  Prehistoric Reptiles                                    6.70  
580-584     619-623         1994  Prehistoric Reptiles/HONG KONG '94 (ovpt)               7.55  
585-588     624-627         1994  Green Turtles                                          10.20  
589         MS628           1994  Green Turtles (ss/4v)                                  12.35  
590-593     629-632         1994  Civilian Ships at Falkland Is.                         12.25  
594-597     633-636         1994  Sooty Terns/Birds                                       6.25  
598         MS637           1994  Sooty Terns/Birds (ss)                                  5.45  
599-603     638-642         1994  Christmas/Donkeys                                       9.75  
604-607     643-646         1995  Flowers                                                10.05  
608-612     647-651         1995  Island Scenes from 19th Century                         7.05  
613-616     652-655         1995  World War II 50th Anniversary                          10.70  
617         MS656           1995  World War II 50th Anniversary/Medal (ss)                7.00  
618-621     657-660         1995  Butterflies                                             8.65  
622         MS661           1995  Butterflies/SINGAPORE '95 (ss)                          7.15  
623-627     662-666         1995  Christmas/Children's Drawings/Santa Claus               9.80  
628-631     667-670         1995  Mollusks (s/4v)                                        12.40  
632-635     671-674         1996  QEII 70th Birthday                                      4.55  
636-639     675-678         1996  Island Transportation/CAPEX'96                          6.55  
640-655     679-694         1996  Defs/Birds - 1p-3.00 (16v)                             29.85  
652a        MS708           1997  HONG KONG '97/Birds (ss)                                3.55  
653a        MS718           1997  Return of Hong Kong/Birds (ss)                          3.55  
656-659     695-698         1996  BBC Relay Station                                       4.80  
660-664     699-703         1996  Christmas/UNICEF/Santa Claus                            5.20  
665-668     704-707         1997  Trees/HONG KONG '97                                     4.85  
669-672     709-712         1997  Flags/Ships/Aircraft                                    7.30  
673         713-717         1997  Wild Herbs (s/5v)                                       7.15  
674-679     719-724         1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (prs)                  10.20  
680         MS725           1997  QEII Golden Wedding Anniversary (ss)                    6.00  
681-682     726-727         1997  Defs/Birds - 15p,35p (ex-bklt) (2v)                     5.50  
683-687     728-732         1997  Game Fish                                               7.65  
688-691     733-736         1997  Christmas/St. Mary's Church Windows                     6.25  
692-695     737-740         1998  Biological Control of Insects                           8.80  
696         MS741           1998  Diana (ss/4v)                                           4.00  
697-700     742-745         1998  RAF 80th Anniversary/Airplanes                          7.15  
701         MS746           1998  RAF 80th Anniversary/Airplanes (ss/4v)                  6.80  
702-706     747-751         1998  Migratory Birds                                         8.25  
707-710     752-755         1998  Island Sports                                           9.65  
711-714     756-759         1998  Christmas                                               6.30  
715-718     760-763         1999  World War II/Airplanes                                  7.15  
719         MS764           1999  World War II/Airplanes (ss)                            10.60  
720-723     765-768         1999  AUSTRALIA '99/Mail Ships                                7.45  
724         MS769           1999  AUSTRALIA '99/Ships (ss)                                5.65  
725-728     770-773         1999  WWF/Terns/Birds (4v)                                    1.80  
725-728     770-773         1999  WWF/Terns/Birds (s/4v) (ex-ms)                          2.00  
728a        770-773         1999  WWF/Terns/Birds (ms/16v)                                8.50  
729-730     774-775         1999  Royal  Wedding : Edward & Sophie                        4.10  
731-734     776-779         1999  Manned Moon Landing 30th Anniversary                    5.30  
735         MS780           1999  Manned Moon Landing 30th Anniversary (ss)               5.65  
736-739     781-784         1999  Queen Mother's Century                                  6.85  
740         MS785           1999  Queen Mother's Century (ss)                             6.35  
741-744     786-789         1999  Christmas/Millennium/Children                           6.95  
745-748     790-793         1999  Cable & Wireless/Ships                                  8.95  
749         MS794           1999  Cable & Wireless/Ships (ss)                             6.60  
750-753     795-798         2000  Turtle Project/Turtles                                  6.60  
754         MS799           2000  Turtle Project/Turtles (ss/4v)                          6.50  
754e        MS800           2000  Turtle Project/Turtles/LONDON '00 (ss/4v) (ovpt)        6.50  
755-758     801-804         2000  Prince William 18th Birthday                            6.35  
759         MS805           2000  Prince William 18th Birthday (ss/5v)                    6.90  
760-763     806-809         2000  Forts                                                   8.55  
764-767     810-813         2000  Christmas/Carols                                       10.90  
768         MS814           2001  Year of the Snake/HONG KONG '01 (ss/2v)                 4.50  
769-772     815-818         2001  W.Dampier/Roebuck Sinking                              10.45  
773-776     819-822         2001  Island Discovery                                       10.15  
777-782     823-828         2001  Age of Victoria                                         9.90  
783         MS829           2001  Age of Victoria (ss)                                    7.55  
784         830-833         2001  Tourist Sites/BELGICA '01 (ss/4v)                       9.40  
785-788     834-837         2001  World Bird Festival/Birds                               6.75  
789         MS838           2001  World Bird Festival/Birds (ss/5v)                       6.90  
790-793     839-842         2002  QEII Golden Jubilee                                     5.85  
794         MS843           2002  QEII Golden Jubilee (ss/5v)                             7.25  
795-798     844-847         2002  Falkland Islands Liberation/Military                    5.25  
799-800     848-849         2002  Queen Mother Memorial                                   2.45  
801         MS850           2002  Queen Mother Memorial (ss/2v)                           5.50  
802-813     851-862         2002  Defs/Flowers & Scenes - 10p-5.00 (12v)                 35.40  
814-817     863-864         2002  Christmas                                               5.75  
818-821     867-870         2003  Ariane Tracking Station                                 8.65  
821a        MS871           2003  Ariane Tracking Station (ss/4v)                         8.65  
822         875             2003  Defs - 3.00 QEII Head                                  10.50  
823-824     872-873         2003  QEII Coronation 50th Anniversary                        5.50  
825         MS874           2003  QEII Coronation 50th Anniversary (ss/2v)                5.65  
826         876-877         2003  Prince William 21st  Birthday (pr)                      6.30  
827-832     878-883         2003  Powered Flight Anniversary (w/labs)                    10.05  
833         MS884           2003  Powered Flight Anniversary (ss)                         6.60  
834-837     885-888         2003  Christmas & Anniversaries                               6.55  
838-842     889-893         2004  Bird Life International #2/Booby                        8.80  
842a        MS894           2004  Bird Life International #2/Booby (ss/5v)                8.80  
843-846     895-898         2004  Royal Horticultural Society/Flowers                     6.70  
847         MS899           2004  Royal Horticultural Society/Flowers (ss)                6.05  
848-851     900-903         2004  Sport Fishing #1/Marlin                                 7.30  
852         MS904           2004  Sport Fishing #1/Marlin (ss)                            6.30  
853-856     905-908         2004  Night Sky/Lunar Eclipse                                 7.75  
856a        MS909           2004  Night Sky/Lunar Eclipse (ss)                            5.20  
857-860     910-913         2004  Merchant Ships                                          8.50  
861-866     914-919         2005  Battle of Trafalgar #1                                  8.40  
867         MS920           2005  Battle of Trafalgar #1 (ss/2v)                          7.25  
868-872     921-925         2005  Birdlife International #3/Seabirds                      8.40  
872a        MS926           2005  Birdlife International #3/Seabirds (ss/5v)              8.95  
873-876     927-930         2005  Sport Fishing #2/Tuna                                   8.00  
877         MS931           2005  Sport Fishing #2/Tuna (ss)                              5.75  
878         932             2005  Pope John Paul II                                       1.90  
879-881     937-939         2005  Battle of Trafalgar #2                                  9.10  
882-885     933-936         2005  Christmas/H.C.Andersen                                  7.95  
886-889     940-943         2006  Sport Fishing #3/Jack                                   8.55  
890         MS944           2006  Sport Fishing #3/Jack (ss)                              5.65  
891-894     945-948         2006  QEII 80th Birthday                                      9.20  
895         MS949           2006  QEII 80th Birthday (ss/2v)                              8.10  
896-899     950-957         2006  Exploration and Innovation (prs)                       12.05  
900-903     958-961         2006  Greetings/Christmas/New Year                            8.75  
904-907     962-965         2007  WWF/Angelfish (4v)                                      7.75  
904-907     962-965         2007  WWF/Angelfish (s/4v) (ex-ms)                            8.00  
907a        962-965         2007  WWF/Angelfish (ms/16v)                                 33.70  
908-911     966-969         2007  Falkland Islands War 25th Anniversary (4v)             11.00  
912-913     MS970           2007  Falkland Islands War 25th Anniversary (2 ss/4v)        20.85  
914-917     971-974         2007  Scouting Centenary                                     10.75  
918         975             2007  Mother Teresa and Diana                                 2.15  
919         976-978         2007  QEII 60th Wedding Anniversary (s/3v)                    9.65  
920-923     979-986         2007  Birds/Ornithologists (prs)                             11.95  
924-935     987-998         2008  Defs/Wildlife/Eggs - 15p-5.00 (12v)                    40.85  
936-939     999-1002        2008  Sharks (4v)                                            10.40  
936-939     999-1002        2008  Sharks (s/4v) (ex-ms)                                  10.65  
939a        999-1002        2008  Sharks (ms/16v)                                        47.50  
940         MS1003          2008  Sharks (ss)                                             6.10  
941-946     1004-1009       2008  NASA Anniversary/Space Craft                           10.95  
947-952     1010-1015       2008  RAF 90th Anniversary/Airplanes                         13.65  
953-956     1016-1019       2008  Botanists & Plants                                     12.95  
957-960     1020-1023       2008  Christmas/Father Christmas                             10.85  
961-965     1024-1028       2008  Britain's Monarchs                                     10.15  
966-969     1029-1032       2009  Whales & Dolphins (4v)                                  9.85  
966-969     1029-1032       2009  Whales & Dolphins (s/4v) (ex-ms)                       10.15  
969a        1029-1032       2009  Whales & Dolphins (ms/16v)                             43.00  
970         MS1033          2009  Whales & Dolphins (ss)                                  8.15  
971-974     1034-1041       2009  Fly Navy/Naval Aviation Centenary (prs)                11.80  
975-980     1042-1047       2009  J.Hooker/Introduced Plant Species                      10.60  
981-984     1048-1055       2009  Turtle Research/A.Carr (prs)                           10.50  
985-988     1056-1059       2009  C.Darwin Birth Anniversary                             12.25  
989-992     1060-1063       2009  Birds/Whitetailed Tropicbird (4v)                      10.60  
989-992     1060-1063       2009  Birds/Whitetailed Tropicbird (s/4v) (ex-ms)            10.85  
992a        1060-1063       2009  Birds/Whitetailed Tropicbird (ms/16v)                  45.15  
993-996     1064-1067       2010  Reef Fish #1 (4v)                                      10.10  
993-996     1064-1067       2010  Reef Fish #1 (s/4v) (ex-ms)                            10.35  
996a        1064-1067       2010  Reef Fish #1 (ms/16v)                                  45.15  
997         MS1068          2010  Reef Fish #1 (ss)                                       7.85  
998-1001    1069-1072       2010  Girl Guiding                                           10.95  
1002        MS1073          2010  Girl Guiding (ss/3v)                                   10.95  
1003        1074-1081       2010  Battle of Britain/LONDON '10/Airplanes (ss/8v)         14.60  
1004-1007   1082-1085       2010  Birds/Yellow Canary (4v)                                7.70  
1004-1007   1082-1085       2010  Birds/Yellow Canary (s/4v) (ex-ms)                      7.95  
1007a       1082-1085       2010  Birds/Yellow Canary (ms/16v)                           33.80  
1008-1011   1086-1089       2010  Christmas                                               7.85  
1012-1016   1090-1094       2011  National Park/Parsley Fern                              6.80  
1017-1022   1095-1100       2011  QEII Lifetime of Service                                9.40  
1022a       MS1101          2011  QEII Lifetime of Service (ss/6v)                        9.75  
1023        MS1102          2011  QEII Lifetime of Service (ss)                           6.60  
1024-1027   1103-1106       2011  RAF Search & Rescue/Airplanes                           8.15  
1028        MS1107          2011  RAF Search & Rescue/Helicopter (ss)                     7.85  
1029        MS1108          2011  Flowers/Peonies (ss/4v)                                 6.20  
1030-1032   1109-1111       2011  Royal Wedding : William & Catherine                     7.70  
1033        MS1112          2011  Royal Wedding : William & Catherine (ss)                6.10  
1034-1037   1113-1116       2011  WWF/Tropicbirds (4v)                                    7.30  
1038        1113a-1116a     2011  WWF/Tropicbirds (s/4v) (ex-ms)                          7.55  
1038        1113a-1116a     2011  WWF/Tropicbirds (ms/16v)                               32.60  
1039-1042   1117-1120       2011  Christmas/Pantomimes                                    5.95  
1043-1048   1121-1126       2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee                                    7.95  
1048a       MS1127          2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee (ss/6v)                            7.95  
1049        MS1128          2012  QEII Diamond Jubilee (ss)                               5.35  
1050-1053   1129-1132       2012  Reef Fish #2 (4v)                                       7.40  
1053a       1129-1132       2012  Reef Fish #2 (ms/16v)                                  32.90  
            1129a           2012  Reef Fish #2 (s/4v) (ex-ms)                             7.65  
1054        MS1133          2012  Reef Fish #2 (ss)                                       5.35  
1055-1058   1134-1137       2012  Titanic Centenary/Ships                                 5.60  
1059        MS1138          2012  Titanic Centenary/Ships (ss)                            5.35  
1060-1061   1139-1144       2012  Shackleton-Rowett  Expedition (2 s/3v)                  7.70  
1062-1065   1145-1148       2012  Christmas/C.Dickens/A Christmas Carol                   6.50  
1066        MS1149          2012  Wideawake Airfield 70th Anniversary  (ss/4v)           11.95  
1067-1078   1150-1161       2013  Defs/Aircraft - 15p-5.00 (12v)                         35.75  
1079-1083   1162-1166       2013  QEII 60th Coronation Anniversary                       10.65  
1084        MS1167          2013  QEII 60th Coronation Anniversary (ss)                   7.40  
1085-1088   1168-1171       2013  British Settlement #1/Napoleonic Era                    9.90  
1089-1092   1172-1175       2013  M.Thatcher/British Prime Minister                       9.90  
1093-1098   1176-1181       2013  Birds/Frigatebirds                                     14.80  
1099-1102   1182-1185       2013  Shallow Marine Life/Fish (4v)                           9.90  
1103        1182a-1185a     2013  Shallow Marine Life/Fish (s/4v) (ex-ms)                10.15  
1103        1182a-1185a     2013  Shallow Marine Life/Fish (ms/16v)                      44.95  
1104        MS1186          2013  Shallow Marine Life/Fish (ss/3v)                        9.90  
1105-1108   1187-1190       2013  Christmas/Churches & Stained Glass (4v)                 7.70  
1109        1187a           2013  Christmas/Churches & Stained Glass (s/4v)               7.70  
1110-1113   1191-1194       2014  British Settlement #2/Napoleonic Years                 11.40  
1114-1117   1195-1198       2014  Royal Christenings/Prince George                       11.40  
1118-1121   1199-1202       2014  WWI/Poppies                                            11.40  
1122-1127   1203-1208       2014  Royal Marines/Military Uniforms                        11.40  
1128-1131   1209-1212       2014  Rosetta Mission/First Landing on Comet                  8.90  
1132        MS1213          2014  Rosetta Mission/First Landing on Comet (ss)             8.50  
1133-1136   1221-1224       2015  British Settlement #3/Battle of Waterloo                8.75  
1137-1140   1225-1228       2015  Magna Carta                                             8.75  
1141-1144   1229-1232       2015  QEII Long Reign                                         8.25  
1145-1148   1233-1236       2015  British Settlement #4/King George III                   7.70  
1149-1152   1237-1240       2015  W.Dampier/HMS Roebuck                                   7.85  
1153-1156   1241-1244       2016  WWF/Birds/Red Footed Booby (4v)                         7.85  
1157        1241a-1244a     2016  WWF/Birds/Red Footed Booby (s/4v) (ex-ms)               8.25  
1157        1241a-1244a     2016  WWF/Birds/Red Footed Booby (ms/16v)                    34.95  
1158-1161   1245-1248       2016  QEII 90th Birthday                                      7.85  
1162        MS1249          2016  QEII 90th Birthday (ss)                                 7.40  
1163-1168   1250-1255       2016  BBC Atlantic Relay Station Anniversary                  8.75  
1169-1172   1256-1259       2016  W.Shakespeare                                           7.00  
1173-1176   1260-1263       2016  Fish                                                    6.75  
1177-1182   1264-1269       2017  Fish/Eels                                               8.50  
1183-1186   1270-1273       2017  QEII 70th Wedding Anniversary                           7.40  
1187-1192   1274-1279       2017  Marine Life                                             9.30  
1193-1198   1280-1285       2018  Land Crabs                                              9.55  
1199-1202   1286-1289       2018  Royal Air Force Centenary/Airplanes                     7.40  
1203-1206   1290-1293       2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan                          7.70  
1207        MS1294          2018  Royal Wedding : Harry & Meghan (ss)                     7.10  
1208-1209   1295-1296       2018  Ships/RMS St.Helena                                     8.35  
1210-1211   1297-1300       2018  Migratory Species/Marine Turtles (prs)                  7.70  
1212-1215   1301-1304       2019  D-Day 75th Anniversary                                  7.00  
1216-1219   1305-1308       2019  Moon Landing 50th Anniversary                           8.60  
1220-1231                   2020  Defs/Wildlife - 15p-5.00 (12v)                         30.45  
1232-1237   1328-1333       2021  QEII 95th Birthday/Devoted to Your Service             10.05  
1238-1241   1334-1337       2021  Blue Belt Program/Wildlife                             10.05  
1242        MS1338          2021  Blue Belt Program/Wildlife (ss/4v)                     10.05  
1243-1246   1339-1342       2022  Galapagos Sharks                                        7.95  
1247        MS1343          2022  Galapagos Sharks (ss)                                   7.55  
1248-1249   1344-1345       2022  QEII Platinum Jubilee                                   7.95  
1250        MS1346          2022  QEII Platinum Jubilee (ss)                              7.15  
1251-1254   1347-1350       2022  Falkland Island Liberation 40th Anniversary             9.00  
1255-1258   1351-1354       2022  Civilian Rule Centenary                                 7.40  
1259-1260   1355-1356       2023  QEII Memorial                                          13.50  
1260a       MS1357          2023  QEII Memorial (ss/2v)                                  13.50  
1261-1264   1358-1361       2023  KC III Coronation                                       7.55  
1265        MS1362          2023  KC III Coronation (ss)                                  6.90  
1266-1269                   2024  Marine Life                                             6.90  
1270-1273                   2024  Insects                                                 7.30  
                                  --- AIRMAIL ISSUES ---                                        
C1-C6       1214-1219       2015  Green Turtles                                           7.65  
C1a-C6a     1309-1314       2019  Green Turtles "2019"                                    7.65  
C7          MS1220          2015  Green Turtles (ss/6v)                                   7.70  
C7g         MS1315          2019  Green Turtles (ss/6v) "2019"                            7.70  
                                  --- POSTAGE DUE ISSUES ---                                    
J1-J6       D1-D6           1986  Postage Dues/Maps - 1p-25p (6v)                         1.90  
                                  --- BOOKLETS ---                                              
---         SB1             1963  Bklt - 10s.6d. buff cover                              76.45  
---         SB2             1971  Bklt - 44p white cover                                 24.05  
---         SB2a            1971  Bklt - 44p white cover (dated 5/71)                    54.75  
---         SB3             1981  Bklt - 1.20 black & pink (L staple)                    12.05  
---         SB3a            1984  Bklt - 1.20 black & lemon (R staple)                   11.85  
---         SB4             1982  Bklt - 60p Wideawake Airfield (brown text)              6.85  
---         SB4a            1982  Bklt - 60p Wideawake Airfield (blue text)               6.85  
---         SB5             1989  Bklt - 1.00 Turtle/Map (6x18p)                          9.60  
---         SB6             1989  Bklt - 1.00 Turtle/Map (4x25p)                          7.05  
---         SB7             1989  Bklt - 1.00 Turtle/EXPO '89 (6x18p) (ovpt)             12.20  
---         SB8             1989  Bklt - 1.00 Turtle/EXPO '89 (4x25p) (ovpt)             12.20  
---         SB9             1997  Bklt - 1.00 Turtle/Birds (2x15p,2x35p)                 14.20  

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Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.