Stanley Lisica LLC
Ciskei (South Africa Homeland) Postage Stamps : 1981-1994
A price list (1981-1994) of Ciskei (South Africa Homeland) postage stamps and souvenir (miniature) sheets for the stamp collector.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

Scott #'s are from the 2020 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue with updating from Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update).
  S.G. #'s numbers are from the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Catalogue : Southern & Central Africa (1st edition 2011 with updates from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. This occurs frequently when  issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) and the catalog combines the parts into one set. 

Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List, Inventory & Catalog Number Updates
January 20, 2020 

Click here ==>  CISKEI  to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #          SG #             Year  Description                                           Price  
1-4              1-4              1981  Independence                                            0.90  
5-27             5-21             1981  Defs/Birds - 1c-2r (23v)                               14.90  
5//27            5//21            1981  Defs/Birds - 1c-2r (17v)                                9.15  
15               14a              1982  Defs/Birds - 11c (1v)                                   0.50  
16               14b              1985  Defs/Birds - 12c (1v)                                   0.60  
17               14c              1986  Defs/Birds - 14c (1v)                                   0.75  
19               15a              1987  Defs/Birds - 16c (1v)                                   0.60  
20               15b              1989  Defs/Birds - 18c (1v)                                   1.00  
22               16a              1990  Defs/Birds - 21c (1v)                                   2.40  
34-37            22-25            1982  Nursing                                                 1.25  
38-41            26-29            1982  Pineapple Industry                                      0.95  
42-45            30-33            1982  Mammals                                                 1.20  
46-49            34-37            1983  Trees #1                                                1.20  
50-53            52-55            1984  Trees #2                                                1.20  
54-58            38-42            1983  Sharks                                                  1.70  
59-62            43-46            1983  Educational Institutions                                0.95  
63               47-51            1983  Military Uniforms #1 (s/5v)                             1.75  
64               64-68            1984  Military Uniforms #2 (s/5v)                             2.00  
65-68            56-59            1984  Fish Bait                                               1.20  
69-72            69-72            1985  Game Fish                                               1.60  
73-76            60-63            1984  Migratory Birds/Maps                                    1.60  
77-80            73-76            1985  Year of the Child/Girl Guides                           1.10  
81-84            77-80            1985  Small Businesses                                        1.35  
85-88            81-84            1985  Sail Troopships                                         1.60  
89               85-94            1986  Halley's Comet (ss/10v)                                 7.30  
90-93            95-98            1986  Military Uniforms #3                                    1.30  
93a              ---              1986  Military Uniforms #3 (ss)                               1.80  
94-97            99-102           1986  Bicycle Factory                                         1.25  
98-101           103-106          1986  Independence Day Anniversary                            1.10  
102-105          107-110          1987  Edible Mushrooms                                        1.60  
103a             ---              1987  Edible Mushrooms (ss)                                   3.70  
106-109          111-114          1987  Cattle                                                  1.10  
110-113          115-118          1987  Homemade Toys                                           1.10  
114-117          119-122          1987  Folklore #1/Sikulume                                    1.10  
118-121          123-126          1988  Endangered Flowers                                      1.60  
121a             ---              1988  Endangered Flowers (ss)                                 2.90  
122              127-136          1988  Folklore #2/Mbulukazi (ss/10v)                          2.90  
123-126          137-140          1988  Citrus Farming                                          1.50  
127-130          141-144          1988  Poisonous Mushrooms                                     5.25  
131-134          145-148          1989  Dams                                                    1.85  
135-138          149-152          1989  Trout Hatcheries                                        1.80  
138a             ---              1989  Trout Hatcheries (ss)                                   3.80  
139-142          153-156          1989  Folklore #3/Little Jackal & the Lion                    1.20  
143-146          157-160          1989  Animal Drawn Transportation                             1.40  
147-150          161-164          1990  Folklore #4/Story of Makanda Mahlanu                    1.25  
151-154          165-168          1990  Handmade Carpet Industry                                1.70  
154a             ---              1990  Handmade Carpet Industry (ss)                           2.10  
155-158          169-172          1990  Plows                                                   1.50  
159-162          173-176          1990  Prickley Pear                                           2.40  
163-166          177-180          1991  Owls                                                    5.65  
166a             ---              1991  Owls (ss)                                               5.80  
167              181-185          1991  Letter/Stamp Day (s/5v)                                 4.00  
168-182          186-200          1991  Solar System                                           13.00  
182a             MS201            1991  Solar System (ss/15v)                                  15.85  
183-186          202-205          1991  Frontier Forts                                          1.75  
187-190          206-209          1992  Clouds                                                  2.35  
191-194          210-213          1992  Space Year/Satellites                                   3.85  
(192a)           ---              1992  Space Year/Satellites (ss)                              2.30  
195-198          214-217          1992  Farm Implements                                         3.85  
199-202          218-221          1992  Hotels                                                  3.85  
203-207          222-226          1993  Explorers/Navigators                                    5.95  
208-212          227-231          1993  Birds                                                   4.60  
(210a)           ---              1993  Birds (ss)                                              4.80  
213-216          232-235          1993  Churches/Missions                                       2.75  
217-220          236-239          1993  Invader Plants                                          3.20  
220a             MS240            1993  Invader Plants (ss/4v)                                  3.40  
221-224          241-244          1994  Shipwrecks                                              4.90  
225-228          245-248          1994  Roses                                                   3.10  
228a             MS249            1994  Roses (ss/4v)                                           3.55  

Click here ==> CISKEI  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.