Stanley Lisica LLC
England (Regional) Postage Stamps : 2001-2018
A price list of England (2001-2018) Regional mint, never hinged postage stamps and souvenir (miniature) sheets.

    All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).

  Scott #'s are from the 2019 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue with updating from Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Update) Monthly.
  S.G. #'s are from the 2018 Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Concise Stamp Catalogue with updates from the Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

  Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog. Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that the catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently or are scarce/rare.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
December 29, 2018 

Click here ==>  ENGLAND (REGIONALS)    to see current inventory or to place an order

SG #          Scott #       Year    Description                                              Price    
                                    --- PICTORIAL ISSUE (no Border) ---                           
EN1           1             2001    2nd Three Lions                                           1.30    
EN2           2             2001    1st Lion with Shield                                      1.60    
EN3           3             2001    E - Oak Tree                                              2.40    
EN4           4             2001    65p Tudor Rose                                            2.20    
EN5           5             2002    68p Tudor Rose                                            2.20    
                                    --- PICTORIAL ISSUE (with Border) ---                         
EN6           6             2003    2nd Three Lions (T-II)                                    1.30    
EN6b          ---           2006    2nd Three Lions (T-I)                                     5.55    
EN7           7             2003    1st Lion with Shield (T-II)                               1.60    
EN7b          ---           2006    1st Lion with Shield (T-I)                                5.90    
EN8           8             2003    E - Oak Tree                                              2.40    
EN9           10            2004    40p Oak Tree                                              1.30    
EN10          11            2005    42p Oak Tree                                              1.95    
EN11          12            2006    44p Oak Tree (T-II)                                       1.45    
EN11b         ---           2006    44p Oak Tree (T-I)                                       43.90    
EN12          14            2007    48p Oak Tree                                              1.10    
EN13          17            2008    50p Oak Tree                                              1.25    
EN14          19            2009    56p Oak Tree                                              1.40    
EN15          22            2010    60p Oak Tree                                              1.55    
EN16          9             2003    68p Tudor Rose                                            1.90    
EN17          13            2006    72p Tudor Rose (T-II)                                     2.15    
EN17a         ---           2006    72p Tudor Rose (T-I)                                     28.95    
EN18          15            2007    78p Tudor Rose                                            2.25    
EN19          18            2008    81p Tudor Rose                                            2.20    
EN20          20            2009    90p Tudor Rose                                            2.40    
EN21          23            2010    97p Tudor Rose                                            2.60    
                                    --- PICTORIAL ISSUE (litho) ---                               
EN29          ---           2013    2nd Three Lions                                           1.40    
EN30          7a            2007    1st Lion with Shield (silver head)                        2.05    
EN30b         ---           2016    1st Lion with Shield (gray head)                          2.05    
EN31          24            2011    68p Oak Tree                                              1.90    
EN32          26            2012    87p Oak Tree                                              2.40    
EN33          28            2013    88p Oak Tree                                              2.40    
EN34          29            2014    97p Oak Tree                                              2.60    
EN35          30            2015    1.00 Oak Tree                                             2.60    
EN36          32            2016    1.05 Oak Tree                                             2.90    
EN41          25            2011    1.10 Tudor Rose                                           2.65    
EN43          27            2012    1.28 Tudor Rose                                           3.00    
EN44          31            2015    1.33 Tudor Rose                                           3.10    
EN51          *2462e        2013    1st St. George Flag (silver) (ex-bklt : DY7,DY18)         5.90    
EN51a         ---           2014    1st St. George Flag (gray) (ex-bklt : DY9)                4.00    
EN52          35            2018    2nd Three Lions                                           1.90    
EN53          36            2018    1st Lion with Shield                                      2.00    
EN54          33            2017    1.17 Oak Tree                                             2.90    
EN55          37            2018    1.25 Oak Tree                                             2.80    
EN60          34            2017    1.40 Tudor Rose                                           3.25    
EN61          38            2018    1.45 Tudor Rose                                           3.20    
---           16            2007    1st Lion with Shield (sa) (w/tab) (ex-ms)                 1.90    
LS38          ---           2007    Glorious England (sa) (ms/20v+tabs)                      21.45    
---           18A           2008    1st Lion with Shield (sa) (w/tab) (sync) (ex-ms)          2.30    
LS49          ---           2008    Glorious U.K. (sa) (ms/20v+tabs)                         23.40    
---           21            2009    1st George Flag  (sa) (w/tab) (ex-ms)                     2.05    
LS59          ---           2009    Castles of England (sa) (ms/20v+tabs)                    23.05    
MSEN50        *2462         2007    Celebrating England (ss/4v)                               6.80    
Catalog number starting with an asterisk ( * ) are numbers for items listed under Great Britain by Scott or SG 
 since editorial policies on listing issues are not in agreement.
Prestige Booklets :  DY7 (Football Heroes), DY9 (Classic Locomotives), DY18 (Great War)

Click here ==> ENGLAND (REGIONALS)  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.