Stanley Lisica LLC
Gambia Postage Stamps (1946-1990)
A comprehensive (1946-1990) price list of The Gambia postage stamps, souvenir sheets (miniature sheets) and booklets.

 All listed items are mint, never hinged (unmounted).
 Scott #'s are from the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue (2021 ed.) -- Sydney, Ohio: Amos Media, 2020 with updating from Linn's Stamp News (Scott New Issue Monthly Update).
 SG #'s are from the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Catalogue : West Africa (2nd ed.) -- London : Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 2012 with updates from
Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

 Dashes ( --- ) are used instead of a catalog number if the item is not listed in the Scott or S.G. catalog.  Catalog numbers in brackets "( )" indicate a variety of that stamp number.  A blank space indicates that a catalog number is not yet assigned.

  Part sets and singles are offered due to different criteria used by the catalog editors for listing a set. Frequently when issues are released over a period of months or years  (e.g. definitive sets) the catalog editors combine the parts or new value into one set. 

  Prices quoted are our selling prices subject to stock availability. Items without a price are not in stock frequently.

  To check the current "LIVE" inventory use our ONLINE CATALOG & SHOPPING CART which is updated as items are added or sold.

Price List & Inventory Updated
December 12, 2020

Click here ==>  GAMBIA    to see current inventory or to place an order

Scott #         SG #            Year  Description                                            Price  
144-145         162-163         1946  Peace/Victory                                           0.40  
146-147         164-165         1948  Silver Wedding                                         19.40  
148-151         166-169         1949  UPU 75th Anniversary                                    2.75  
152             170             1953  QEII Coronation                                         0.45  
153-167         171-185         1953  Defs - 1/2d-1.00 (15v)                                 90.15  
168-171         186-189         1961  Royal Visit                                             2.65  
172             190             1963  Freedom From Hunger                                     0.50  
173-174         191-192         1963  Red Cross Centenary                                     0.70  
175-187         193-205         1963  Defs/Birds - 1/2d-1.00 (13v)                           62.85  
188-191         206-209         1963  Birds/Self Government (ovpt)                            1.20  
192             210             1964  W.Shakespeare                                           0.35  
193-205         215-227         1965  Defs/Independence - 1/2d-1.00 (13v) (ovpt)             13.85  
206-209         211-214         1965  Independence                                            1.35  
210-211         228-229         1965  ITU Centenary                                           1.45  
212-214         230-232         1966  W.Churchill                                             1.05  
215-227         233-245         1966  Defs/Birds - 1/2d-1.00 (13v)                            9.25  
228-231         246-249         1966  Bathurst 150th Anniversary                              0.80  
232-234         205-252         1967  Tourist Year                                            0.70  
235-237         253-255         1968  Human Rights Year                                       0.65  
238-240         256-258         1969  Stamp Centenary                                         1.30  
241-243         259-261         1969  Pioneer Air Services                                    2.00  
244-246         262-264         1970  Commonwealth Games                                      0.75  
247-249         265-267         1970  Republic Day                                            0.90  
250-252         268-270         1971  Methodist Mission                                       1.00  
253-265         271-283         1971  Defs/Fish - 2b-5d (13v)                                11.05  
270-272         284-286         1971  M.Park/Explorer                                         2.75  
273-275         287-289         1972  Radio Gambia                                            0.75  
276-278         290-292         1972  Munich Olympic Games                                    0.80  
279-281         293-295         1972  Manding Studies Conference                              0.90  
282-283         296-297         1972  Fanals/Boats                                            0.75  
284-286         298-300         1973  Freedom From Hunger                                     0.75  
287-294         301-308         1973  Agriculture #1,#2,#3 (8v)                               2.35  
287-289         301-303         1973  Agriculture #1 - 2b-37b (3v)                            0.80  
290-292         304-306         1973  Agriculture #2 - 2b-37b (3v)                            0.95  
293-294         307-308         1973  Agriculture #3 - 2b,50b (2v)                            0.70  
295-297         309-311         1973  OAU                                                     0.60  
298-300         312-314         1973  Red Cross                                               0.70  
301-303         315-317         1973  Bathurst Name Change to Banjul                          0.65  
304-305         318-319         1974  UPU Centenary                                           0.55  
306-308         320-322         1974  W.Churchill                                             0.80  
309-311         323-325         1974  World Population Year                                   0.65  
312-314         326-328         1975  A.Schweitzer                                            1.70  
315-318         329-332         1975  Independence 10th  Anniversary                          0.80  
319-321         333-335         1975  African Development Bank                                0.80  
322-324         336-338         1975  Michelangelo/Painter                                    1.25  
325-327         339-341         1975  High School Centenary                                   0.75  
328-331         342-345         1975  Women's Year                                            1.25  
332-334         346-348         1976  Independence11th Anniversary/Golf                       4.65  
335-337         349-351         1976  American Bicentennial                                   1.15  
337a            MS352           1976  American Bicentennial (ss/3v)                           1.50  
338-340         353-355         1976  Christmas                                               0.75  
341-344         356-359         1976  WWF/Abuko Nature Reserve #1                            41.90  
344a            MS360           1976  WWF/Abuko Nature Reserve #1 (ss/4v)                    75.70  
345-347         365-367         1977  QEII Silver Jubilee                                     0.65  
348-350         361-363         1977  Black/African Festival of Arts                          0.95  
350a            MS364           1977  Black/African Festival of Arts (ss/3v)                  2.10  
351-353         368-370         1977  Tourist Sites                                           0.95  
354-366         371//383        1977  Defs/Flowers & Shrubs - 2b-5.00 (13v)                   6.70  
359a            376a            1979  Defs/Flowers & Shrubs - 13b (new color)                 2.15  
367-370         384-387         1977  Flora & Fauna/Banjul Declaration                        2.75  
371-374         388-391         1977  P.Rubens/Paintings                                      1.45  
375-376         392-393         1978  Palestinian Welfare                                     3.10  
377-379         394-396         1978  Independence 13th Anniversary                           0.75  
380             397-399         1978  QEII Coronation 25th Anniversary (ss/6v)                1.20  
381-384         400-403         1978  Abuko Nature Reserve #2                                95.25  
385-387         404-406         1978  River Ships                                             1.85  
388-390         407-409         1979  Independence 14th Anniversary                           4.05  
390A-390C       410-412         1979  Defs/Flowers & Shrubs - 25b (3v) (surch)                0.60  
391-393         413-415         1979  Year of the Child                                       1.10  
394-397         416-419         1979  R.Hill                                                  0.85  
397a            MS420           1979  R.Hill (ss)                                             0.65  
398-400         421-423         1979  Satellite Earth Station                                 0.95  
401-403         424-426         1979  Moon Landing/Apollo 11/10th Anniversary                 0.90  
404-407         431-434         1980  WWF/Abuko Nature Reserve #3                            58.65  
407a            MS435           1980  WWF/Abuko Nature Reserve #3 (ss/4v)                    89.10  
408-411         436-439         1980  LONDON '80/Mail Boats                                   1.60  
412             440             1980  Queen Mother 80th Birthday                              0.35  
412             440             1980  Queen Mother 80th Birthday (ms/9v)                      2.85  
413-416         441-444         1980  Early Sailing Ships                                     2.35  
417-419         445-447         1980  Christmas/Paintings                                     0.65  
420-422         448-450         1981  Tourism Conference                                      0.95  
423-425         451-453         1981  Telecommunications Day                                  1.60  
426-428         454-456         1981  Royal Wedding : Charles and Diana                       0.65  
429-431         457-459         1981  Rice Development                                        0.55  
432-435         460-463         1981  WWF/Reptiles/Abuko Naure Preserve                      67.20  
436-438         464-466         1982  Examinations Council                                    1.75  
439             467             1982  Royal wedding : Charles & Diana - 60b/75b(surch)        4.00  
440-442         468-470         1982  Boy Scouts/Scouting Year                                6.50  
443-446         471-474         1982  World Cup Soccer                                        4.30  
446a            MS475           1982  World Cup Soccer (ss/4v)                                5.25  
447-450         476-479         1982  Diana                                                   2.45  
451-454         480-483         1982  Economic Development                                    6.60  
455-458         484-487         1982  Frogs                                                  20.80  
459-462         488-491         1983  Commonwealth Day                                        1.25  
463-464         492-493         1983  Sisters of St. Joseph Centenary                         0.65  
465-480         494-509         1983  Defs/River Craft - 1b-10.00 (16v)                      13.45  
481-484         514-517         1983  Communications Year                                     2.40  
485-488         510-513         1983  Osprey/Birds                                           16.45  
489-491         518-520         1983  Raphael/Paintings                                       1.65  
492             MS521           1983  Raphael/Paintings (ss)                                  1.55  
493-496         522-525         1983  Manned Flight Bicentenary/Aircraft                      1.55  
497             526a            1983  Manned Flight Bicentenary/Aircraft (ss)                 5.80  
497A-497D       ---             1983  Provisional Issue - 1.5d-2d (surch) (4v)              150.50  
498-506         534-542         1984  Easter/Disney                                           4.45  
507             MS543           1984  Easter/Disney (ss)                                      4.80  
508-513         527-532         1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games #1                            2.90  
514             MS533           1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games #1 (ss)                       2.50  
515-518         544-547         1984  WWF/Nile Crocodile                                     39.50  
518A            MS548           1984  Nile Crocodile (ss/4v)                                  7.80  
519-522         549-552         1984  Lloyd's List/Newspapers                                 3.55  
523-524         553-554         1984  River Boats/UPU Congress (ovpt)                         3.75  
525-528         555-558         1984  Los Angeles Olympic Games #2                            2.15  
529-532         559-562         1984  Transatlantic Flights/Aircraft                          7.40  
533-536         568-571         1984  Butterflies                                             5.00  
537             MS572           1984  Butterflies (ss)                                       11.00  
538-541         563-566         1984  Marine Life                                             3.20  
542             MS567           1984  Marine Life (ss)                                        3.95  
543-546         573-576         1985  UN/Child Survival                                       1.75  
547-550         577-580         1985  United Nations Decade for Women                         1.75  
551-554         581-584         1985  J.Audubon/Birds                                         8.20  
555             MS585           1985  J.Audubon/Birds (ss)                                    7.40  
556-558         586-588         1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother                            3.75  
559             MS589           1985  Life & Times of Queen Mother (ss)                       4.40  
560-567         590//598        1985  Disney/M.Twain/Grimm Brothers                          15.75  
568-569         MS594 MS599     1985  Disney/M.Twain/Grimm Brothers (2 ss)                   17.30  
570-575         600-605         1985  Olympic Gold Medal Winners (ovpt)                       4.40  
576             MS606           1985  Olympic Gold Medal Winners (ss) (ovpt)                  2.30  
577-580         608//614        1985  Independence/UN 40th Anniversary                        9.00  
581-584         607//613        1985  UN/FAO 40th Anniversary                                 9.40  
585-588         615-618         1985  Diocese of Gambia & Guinea                              2.30  
589-592         624-627         1985  Girl Guides 75th Anniversary                            4.60  
593             MS628           1985  Girl Guides 75th Anniversary (ss)                       5.50  
594-597         619-622         1985  Christmas/Paintings                                     2.65  
598             MS623           1985  Christmas/Paintings (ss)                                4.60  
599-602         629-632         1985  Youth Year                                              1.95  
603             MS633           1985  Youth Year (ss)                                         2.65  
604-609         634-639         1986  Halley's Comet #1                                       8.50  
610             MS640           1986  Halley's Comet #1 (ss)                                  6.60  
611-613         641-643         1986  QEII 60th Birthday                                      3.95  
614             MS644           1986  QEII 60th Birthday (ss)                                 3.30  
615-618         645-648         1986  World Cup Soccer                                        8.75  
619             MS649           1986  World Cup Soccer (ss)                                   8.80  
620-627         650-657         1986  AMERIPEX '86/Automobiles                                5.05  
628-629         MS658           1986  AMERIPEX '86/Automobiles (2 ss)                         7.40  
630-633         659-662         1986  Statue of Liberty Centenary #1                          3.80  
634             MS663           1986  Statue of Liberty Centenary #1 (ss)                     4.85  
635-637         664-666         1986  Royal Wedding : Andrew & Sarah                          3.35  
638             MS667           1986  Royal Wedding : Andrew & Sarah (ss)                     4.05  
639-642         668-671         1986  World Cup Soccer Winners (ovpt)                         6.35  
643             MS672           1986  World Cup Soccer Winners (ss) (ovpt)                    5.65  
644-648         673-677         1986  Disney/Christmas Mail                                   7.20  
649             MS678           1986  Disney/Christmas Mail (ss)                              7.70  
650-655         679-684         1986  Halley's Comet #2 (ovpt)                                7.65  
656             MS685           1986  Halley's Comet #2 (ss) (ovpt)                           4.30  
657-664         691-698         1987  M.Chagall/Paintings (8v)                               10.00  
665-666         MS699           1987  M.Chagall/Paintings (2 ss)                              9.90  
667-670         686-689         1987  Mandingo Musical Instruments                            2.45  
671             MS690           1987  Mandingo Musical Instruments (ss)                       2.50  
672-675         700-703         1987  America's Cup/Yachts                                    4.65  
676             MS704           1987  America's Cup/Yachts (ss)                               5.05  
677-686         705-714         1987  Statue of Liberty Centenary #2                         12.55  
687-690         715-722         1987  Nature Reserve Flowers                                  6.40  
691-691A        MS723           1987  Nature Reserve Flowers (2 ss)                           6.60  
692-695         724-727         1987  CAPEX '87/Buses                                         6.00  
696             MS728           1987  CAPEX '87/Buses (ss)                                    6.10  
697-700         724-732         1987  Seoul Olympic Games #1                                  4.80  
701             MS733           1987  Seoul Olympic Games #1 (ss)                             4.40  
702             734-745         1987  Christmas (ss/12v)                                     12.65  
703             MS746           1987  Christmas (ss)                                          3.65  
704-707         747-750         1987  Boy Scout Jamboree                                      6.75  
708             MS751           1987  Boy Scout Jamboree (ss)                                 6.75  
709-716         752-759         1987  Mickey Mouse Anniversary/Locomotives #1                10.85  
717-718         MS760           1987  Mickey Mouse Anniversary/Locomotives #1 (2 ss)         10.25  
719-726         761-768         1988  Flora and Fauna                                         4.75  
727-728         MS769           1988  Flora and Fauna (2 ss)                                  3.70  
729-732         770-773         1988  QEII 40th Wedding Anniversary                           3.75  
733             MS774           1988  QEII 40th Wedding Anniversary (ss)                      2.85  
734-737         779-782         1988  Seoul Olympic Games #2                                  4.40  
738             MS783           1988  Seoul Olympic Games #2 (ss)                             3.30  
739-746         784-791         1988  Anniversaries & Events                                 17.75  
747-748         MS792           1988  Anniversaries & Events (2 ss)                           7.10  
749-752         775-778         1988  Philatelic Exhibitions (ovpt)                           8.80  
753-760         793-800         1988  Titian/Paintings                                       13.15  
761-762         MS801           1988  Titian/Paintings (2 ss)                                 6.60  
763-766         802-805         1988  J.F.Kennedy                                             3.20  
767             MS806           1988  J.F.Kennedy (ss)                                        3.40  
768-775         816-823         1988  Entertainers                                           12.50  
776-777         MS824           1988  Entertainers (2 ss)                                    12.15  
778-785         807-814         1988  Milestones of Transportation                           17.85  
786-787         MS815           1988  Milestones of Transportation (2 ss)                     8.80  
788-795         825-832         1988  Explorers of Africa                                    18.70  
796-797         MS833           1988  Explorers of Africa (2 ss)                              9.20  
798-805         834-841         1988  Space Achievements                                     13.20  
806-807         MS842           1988  Space Achievements (2 ss)                               8.25  
808-813         843-848         1989  Army Day                                                9.25  
814             849-857         1989  Mickey Mouse 60th Anniversary #2 (ss/9v)               10.30  
815             MS858           1989  Mickey Mouse 60th Anniversary #2 (ss)                   6.10  
816-823         859-866         1989  Easter/Rubens/Paintings                                 9.60  
824-825         MS867           1989  Easter/Rubens/Paintings (2 ss)                          7.55  
826-833         868-875         1989  West African Birds                                     18.25  
834-835         MS876           1989  West African Birds (2 ss)                              10.15  
836-843         877-884         1989  Butterflies                                            15.40  
844-845         MS885           1989  Butterflies (2 ss)                                     13.80  
846-853         886-893         1989  Steam Locomotives                                      14.05  
854-855         MS894           1989  Steam Locomotives (2 ss)                               10.50  
856-859         895-898         1989  Musical Instruments/PHILEXFRANCE '89 (ovpt)             2.35  
860             MS899           1989  Musical Instruments/PHILEXFRANCE '89 (ss) (ovpt)        2.50  
861-868         900-907         1989  Japanese Art                                           11.95  
869-870         MS908           1989  Japanese Art (2 ss)                                     9.65  
871-874         909-912         1989  World Cup Soccer                                        7.15  
875-876         MS913           1989  World Cup Soccer (2 ss)                                10.05  
877-884         914-921         1989  Medicinal Plants                                        9.05  
885-886         MS922           1989  Medicinal Plants (2 ss)                                10.45  
887-894         923-930         1989  Fishes                                                 10.00  
895-896         MS931           1989  Fishes (2 ss)                                          12.65  
897             MS941           1989  White House/WORLD STAMP EXPO '89 (ss)                   2.10  
898-905         932-939         1989  Disney/WORLD STAMP EXPO '89                            13.80  
906-907         MS940           1989  Disney/WORLD STAMP EXPO '89 (2 ss)                     12.40  
908-915         951-958         1989  Medicinal Discoveries/Nobel Prize                      13.30  
916-917         MS959           1989  Medicinal Discoveries/Nobel Prize (2 ss)                9.65  
918-925         960-967         1989  Orchids                                                12.85  
926-927         MS968           1989  Orchids (2 ss)                                         11.15  
928-935         942-949         1989  Disney/Christmas/Automobiles                           13.50  
936-937         MS950           1989  Disney/Christmas/Automobiles (2 ss)                    13.45  
938-957         969-988         1990  Wimbledon Tennis Champions (prs)                       21.15  
958-959         MS989           1990  Wimbledon Tennis Champions (2 ss)                      11.25  
960-967         990-997         1990  Manned Moon Landing 20th Anniversary                   13.30  
968-969         MS998           1990  Manned Moon Landing 20th Anniversary (2 ss)             8.80  
970             1012-1031       1990  African Birds (ss/20v)                                 15.10  
971-982         999-1010        1990  RAF/Airplanes                                          19.10  
983-984         MS1011          1990  RAF/Airplanes (2 ss)                                    9.90  
985-987         1035-1037       1990  Independence 25th Anniversary                           5.55  
988             MS1038          1990  Independence 25th Anniversary (ss)                      4.80  
989-1000        1039-1050       1990  Defs/Gambian Life - 5b-30d (12v)                       20.80  
1001-1002       1032-1033       1990  Penny Black 150th Anniversary                           5.50  
1003            MS1038          1990  Penny Black 150th Anniversary (ss)                      6.10  
1004-1011       1051-1058       1990  Disney/LONDON '90                                      14.65  
1012-1013       MS1059          1990  Disney/LONDON '90 (2 ss)                               14.70  
1014-1016       1060-1062       1990  Queen Mother Birthday (s/3v)                            4.95  
1017            MS1063          1990  Queen Mother Birthday (ss)                              4.70  
1018-1021       1064-1067       1990  World Cup Soccer                                        3.25  
1022-1023       MS1068          1990  World Cup Soccer (2 ss)                                13.20  
1024-1031       1069-1076       1990  Barcelona Olympic Games                                11.65  
1032-1033       MS1077          1990  Barcelona Olympic Games ( 2 ss)                        11.70  
1034-1041       1078-1085       1990  Christmas/Paintings                                    11.95  
1042            MS1086          1990  Christmas/Paintings (ss)                                7.00  
1046-1053       1087-1094       1990  P.Rubens/Paintings                                      9.60  
1054-1057       MS1095          1990  P.Rubens/Paintings (4 ss)                              14.45  
403a            SB1             1979  Bklt - 4.26 Moon Landing                                5.10
---             SB2             1983  Bklt - 11.20 Manned Flight                              9.15


Click here ==> GAMBIA  to see current inventory or to place an order

Prices are in U.S. dollars.      Subject to stock.