Scott # SG # Year Description Price
68-81 144-157 1945 Defs - 1/2d-20sh (14v) 88.50
82-83 158-159 1946 Peace/Victory 0.45
84 160 1947 Defs - 1d Leopard (1v) 0.60
85-86 161-162 1948 Silver Wedding 16.50
87-90 163-166 1949 UPU 3.45
91-94 167-170 1951 Protectorate Diamond Jubilee 8.50
95 171 1953 Rhodes Exhibition 0.60
96 172 1953 QEII Coronation 0.65
97-111 173-187 1953 Defs - 1/2d-20sh (15v) 57.50
97b//104b 173a-180a 1954 Defs - 1/2d,2d,6d (3v) (p.12.5) .--
112-122 188-198 1963 Defs/Revenue - 1/2d-1.00 (ovpt) (11v) 16.05
123-134 199-210 1964 Defs - 1/2d-1.00 (12v) 19.40
J1-J5 D1-D5 1950 Postage Dues - 1d-6d (5v) 99.55
--- BOOKLETS ---
--- SB1 1954 Bklt - 2/6 green 30.20
--- SB2 1954 Bklt - 5/- buff 36.40
NOTE: Nyasaland became independent July 5, 1964 and changed its name to Malawi
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