Stanley Lisica LLC

Search Results

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Your search resulted in 196 matching items found. Displaying 121-145
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click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 448 SG# 556a-556a Format: ms out of stock  
Year: 2012 $45.00  
Description: WWF/Sea Birds (ms/16v)
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 449 SG# MS560 Format: ss 1 in stock  
Year: 2012 $15.25  
Description: WWF/Sea Birds (ss)
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 450-453 SG# 561-564 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2012 $9.65  
Description: QEII 60th Anniversary of Reign
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 454 SG# MS565 Format: ss 1 in stock  
Year: 2012 $9.15  
Description: QEII 60th Anniversary of Reign (ss)
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 455-458 SG# 566-569 Format: 2 in stock  
Year: 2012 $10.90  
Description: Blue Whales
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 459-464 SG# 570-575 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2012 $14.95  
Description: Marine Protected Areas
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 465-467 SG# 576-581 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2012 $14.50  
Description: Mountains & Explorers (prs)
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 468-471 SG# 582-585 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2013 $10.80  
Description: Star Trails
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 472-475 SG# 586-589 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2013 $10.65  
Description: R.Hunt
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 476-479 SG# 590-593 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2013 $10.40  
Description: QEII 60th Coronation Anniversary
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 480-483 SG# 594-597 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2013 $10.35  
Description: Shallow Marine Surveys (4v)
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 484 SG# 594a-597a Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2013 $10.60  
Description: Shallow Marine Surveys (s/4v) (ex-ms)
South Georgia
Scott# 484 SG# 594a-597a Format: ms out of stock  
Year: 2013 $47.65  
Description: Shallow Marine Surveys (ms/16v)
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 485 SG# MS598 Format: ss out of stock  
Year: 2013 $8.75  
Description: Shallow Marine Surveys (ss/3v)
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 486-491 SG# 599-604 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2013 $12.15  
Description: Habitat Restoration
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 492-497 SG# 605-610 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2013 $13.25  
Description: Grytviken Church Centenary
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 498-501 SG# 611-614 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2014 $10.90  
Description: Royal Christenings/Prince George
South Georgia
Scott# 502-505 SG# 615-618 Format: 1 in stock  
Year: 2014 $10.65  
Description: History of Reindeer
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 506-509 SG# 623-626 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2014 $10.65  
Description: Transantarctic Expedition #2/F.Worsley
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 510-513 SG# 627-630 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2014 $10.65  
Description: Transantarctic Expedition #3/T.Crean
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 514-517 SG# 619-622 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2014 $10.65  
Description: Transantarctic Expedition #1/F.Hurley
South Georgia
Scott# 518-259 SG# 631-642 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2015 $40.90  
Description: Defs/Ships,Scientists & Explorers - 1p-5.00 (12v)
South Georgia
Scott# 530-533 SG# 643-646 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2015 $10.35  
Description: Birds/Albatross
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 534-537 SG# 647-650 Format: out of stock  
Year: 2015 $10.05  
Description: Ships/Steam Trawlers
click to view large image South Georgia
Scott# 538 SG# MS651 Format: ss 3 in stock  
Year: 2015 $7.30  
Description: Ships/Steam Trawlers/Viola/Dias (ss)

Search resulted in 196 matching items found. Displaying 121-145
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